Commemorate The Positive, Eliminate The Negative
When we honor the memory of the positive experiences of our pasts, we recognize the great parts of our lives that helped shape and mold us for the better. We must also remember the negative happenings of our pasts, and use them as learning experiences, so that we know what not to do in our present, in order to produce the most positive future for ourselves. Keeping positive entities in our lives in our present is also necessary to cultivate a more positive forthcoming.

Keeping those who produce positivity in all aspects of their lifes will affect your life in positive ways, while keeping those who do and thing negatively will more than likely produce the opposite. Stay true to who you are, never falter, and use the experiences of your past as building blocks or steps for your future. Though there are many stresses in life you have to remember that the difference between living a positive productive life, and a negative life without meaning are the choices that you make everyday, starting with your thinking, and ending with your actions.

Leave Your Fears Behind
Leave your fears behind.
Leave all of your fears behind. Fear not, for God is with you, and even when it seems that you are fighting alone and it seems that he is not listening nor that he is on time, he will arrive when you need him. Fear not, because you are a strong, courageous, and loved soul, and when it seems that everything is going against you, you will make away. Fear not, because there is rain, and there is sun, there are storms, and then it is clear, prettier days are coming your way.
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Find The Good In Every Day
Every day may not be good... but there's something good in every day.
Finding good in every day is a hard task to accomplish. Especially on days where it seems as if everything is going wrong and that nothing wants to go your way. Even when it seems as though the world is against you remember that you are blessed. Remember to be thankful for all of the things that you do have. Be thankful that you are even alive and breathing, because not everyone was able to wake up this morning and go on with their day as normal.
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Keep Hope Alive
I still have hope for the road ahead.
Keeping the faith and keeping a hopeful positive attitude is one of the hardest yet most rewarding concepts to understand and to apply into our everyday lives. Through the roughest times in our lives it seems as though all we should and can do is give up. Keeping our heads up to the sky, and keeping a forward resolve, even through times of adversity is essential to making it to where we want to be in life. Remember that the greatest of people are those who overcame some of the greatest challenges that life had to offer.
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Do Something Good Every day
Do something good every day.
Doing something good every day, is a positive way to live life and will not only benefit you but can also potentially benefit multitudes of people who may be blessed by the things you do directly or indirectly. Every person has the ability to make a difference, the tiniest acts of kindness and good will to good causes can change the world for the better tremendously. Can you imagine how different the world would be if every single person in it made an attempt to do something good, something kind, or something selfless every single day?
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What Comes Is Better Than What Came
What comes is better than what came.
What comes is better than what came is an age old saying that reinforces the idea in us that if we keep on hoping, and pushing forward, that the tomorrow we will see will be better than the right now, and our pasts. We have to keep an optimistic attitude and resolve on a daily basis. One day of negativity can push you behind and maybe allow for you to miss opportunities that you probably would have experienced if you just remained positive.
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Power Of Positive Thinking
Think positive, encouraging, uplifting thoughts, and the negative will soon disappear.
When we think negatively, we are pretty much ensuring that the actions we commit and the results we receive from committing these acts will result unbecomingly. But when we think in a positive manner, we ensure that success will eventually be reached. Thinking positively is the first step you take in order to complete a goal.
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Keeping A Positive Attitude
Although the world is full of suffering it is also full of the overcoming of it.
The world is a mysterious place full of troubles, obstacles, challenges, hard times, ghettos, those without, but we must also take time to think of the success stories that the world has produced as well. It is a little known fact that a lot of millionaires were not even college graduates, some not even high school graduates. Sam Walton grew up in middle class America and grew his chain of stores into a billion dollar chain, of what we now call Wal-Mart.
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Try Your Very Best Before Giving Up
Never give up until you've given out all your very best. It's better to fail trying than wondering what could have happened if you tried.
All of the great historical icons in all parts of the world were at sometime faced with giving up. Michael Jordan could have given up basketball when he was cut from his high school basketball team, and not have brought to fruition the greatest basketball career of any single person. Helen Keller could have given up as she was blind and deaf, but instead she had one of the most successful careers as a writer ever, and her story has inspired people all over the world. Not giving up may be one of the hardest challenges in life to overcome, even when a situation may seem like it is a lost cause.
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Learning To Let Go
Its hard to hold on to something that you know would never be yours in any way you think of. You just have to learn to let go and face the fact that while good things never last, some don't even start.
There are many times in life when we badly want something or someone that we will probably never have, whether the fault lie on us, another person, or the circumstances surrounding it. Sometimes letting go of something is a very hard thing to do, especially if we never really got a chance to do things the way we wanted, because we think the situation might be different if we had the opportunity to try.
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Taking Chances In Life
In this world we have to take chances, sometimes they're worth it and sometimes they're not, but I'm telling you now, you will never know until you try.
When we take a deep look at our lives, we realize that where we are now is a make up of the choices we have made in the past, and what we learned from those experiences. Those of us who may have been scared to take chances in the past may find ourselves wondering what could have been if we had taken the chances that we were scared of choosing. Many of people in the Business world see life as a series of Yes's and No's. Business minded individuals know that usually the worse thing that may happen is that you be denied one time, and after so many denials or "No's" there is bound to be a "Yes."
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