Don't Let Negative And Toxic People Rent Space In Your Head
When you allow for negativity to be a staple of your life, and when you allow for negative people to obstruct your positive thinking, terrifying things can happen. Sometimes negative people are people that are in your life that only see life one way, and when they see your life isn't going in the direction that theirs is, they tell you your wrong.

Negative people will challenge you to compete and to live a life that you don't even feel like is yours, and then they will ostracize you when you realize and start acting out on the fact that you aren't even really happy.

There are many toxic people and things that can easily influence us to live a life we don't want to live if we let it, but we have to refuse to let these people get to a spot in which they could even be an influence to us.

Never Take Someone's Feelings For Granted
Never take someone's feelings for granted, you never know how much courage that they took to show it to you.
When you are dealing with someone's feelings, never ever take them for granted. You never know what someone is going through, and you never know how hard it may have been for their true feelings to come to light.
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Being Hurt Is Something You Can't Stop From Happening
Being hurt is something you can't stop from happening, but being miserable is always your choice.
If you ever want to stop being miserable, you have to change your thinking. Everyone has the capability to change the way they are thinking, but not everyone is able to decide to stop thinking this way. Many of us don't realize that change requires some form of motivation or some sort of leverage.
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The Things You Take For Granted, Someone Else Is Praying For
The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for.
Many times we are so content with how we are living in our lives, that we start to take life for granted. There are times for everything, and the time to be grateful, and cherish those who love us, and the situations in our lives that we know we are abundantly blessed should be on an everyday basis. Some people only want to focus on the things that are going wrong in their lives, instead of focusing on the fact that they are really blessed, and that they can really achieve if they use what they have now.
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Removing Certain People Out Of Your Life Makes Room For Better People
Sometimes removing some people out of your life makes room for better people.
The only way to make your life better is if you are willing to grow in each area of your life possible. Sometimes an increase in the quality of your relationships may mean that you have to remove some people in your life now, so that you can make room for others. If you aren't investing in the relationships you have, or if you realize that a relationship you have isnt going to work out because that person just shouldn't be in your life, then it might be time invest elsewhere.
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You'll Meet Two Kinds Of People In Life
You will meet two kinds of people in life: ones who build you up and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you'll thank them both.
Make sure that as you believe and that as you create life, that you place people around you that believe as well. So many people in life are people who will build you up, while there will be others who will be so discourage with their own lives that they try to discourage others.
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Be Yourself, Forgive Yourself, Love Yourself and Empower Yourself
Be yourself, accept yourself, value yourself, forgive yourself, bless yourself, express yourself, trust yourself, love yourself, empower yourself.
The simple fact that you can carry a sword doesn't make you a warmonger. Just because there are many ways to look at ourselves are someone that we really aren't, doesnt ever mean that we should take advantage of them. If we are ever going to achieve real success, we have to be willing to live our lives as our actual selves.
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Break Away From Relationships That Are Limiting You
In order for you to rise higher, you have to break away from relationships that are limiting you. -Joel Osteen
Sometimes in order to rise higher, you have to rid yourself free of the dead weight that is weighing you down. Did you know that hot air balloons have a maximum weight amount that they can safely carry? This is just a small example of attempting to fly with too much weight in your cab. Sometimes allowing your friends, or family members around you in times where you need to dedicate yourself to your craft, may put you in a position in which it is much harder to get to where you need to be.
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Don't Limit Your Challenges, Challenge Your Limits
Don't limit your challenges, challenge your limits.
Instead of figuring out how to avoid pain in your life by limiting what challenges that you subject yourself to, figure out what you really want out of life, and make it a point to give it your all to go after what it is in life that you really desire.
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Never Judge Yourself Through Someone Else's Eyes
Never judge yourself through someone else's eyes.
When we worry about everyone else's opinion of our lives but our own, we are in big trouble. Life is not long enough to be lived in the hopes of pursuing the acceptance of others, because not only will we never gain the acceptance of every single person we desire to make proud of us, but we will never really have a good chance of showing the world how great we are, as we truly are, perfectly imperfect.
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Love One Another
Always tell the truth, use kind words, keep your promises, giggle and laugh, stay happy and be positive, love one another, always be grateful, forgiveness is mandatory, give thanks for everything, try new things, say please and thank you, smile.
There are many things that we should try to make a part of our daily routine, and way of living, that of course, we won't always be able to do, but we have to make sure that we at least try. We should always be truthful; because when we are truthful we will never have to worry about covering up or getting caught in a lie.
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