Everybody Hurts You're Not Alone
When we experience times of difficulty and stress sometimes when no one is around to experience our pain with us, and even sometimes when others are there for us we still feel alone. I know that going through pain and grief is a hard thing to do, and it is especially hard to do by yourself. But unless you reach out to those close to you to let them know that you want them close to you in your grief, usually people will back off and let you grieve alone.

Don't be ashamed to ask for love, especially from the ones that you know will offer up their love to you in a heartbeat. Sometimes it is best to just tell someone how you are feeling, or maybe not even how you are feeling, but just simply that you need a hug to help you deal with the pain. Getting this love will help you heal so make sure that you reach out for it!

You Can Go As Far As Your Mind Lets You
Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
Too many of us choose to limit ourselves by not using everything that we have inside of us, to get where we need to go. How many times have you seen someone who you know or knew growing up, that seemed to be less talented, and less resourceful than everyone else, but now that person seems to be one of the most favored people you have ever seen.
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Failure Is Not Falling Down, But Staying Down
If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.
One thing about life that we must all come to terms with at some point is that not every battle we face will be one that we reign victorious in. Just as a baby learns to walk, and stumbles and falls many times before they are able to really have enough balance to carry themselves by walking correctly, is how we learn different things in life, especially how to become a winner.
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Success Isn't Just About What You Accomplish In Your Life...
Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life, it's about what you inspire others to do.
Everybody has gone through things that help to make them who they are. The trials that you have overcome, are trials that everyone else may not have been able to overcome. The problems you have solved are problems that not everyone may have been able to solve.
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Mending A Broken Heart
It's better to have your heart broken once by walking away then to stay and have it broken over and over again.
Dealing with a broken heart is a hard arduous task. When people get their hearts broken, they tend to think about the negative, instead of thinking about the positive in these circumstances, because of the enormous amount of overwhelming pain that they feel. The pain you feel can greatly affect your thinking, and will most certainly cloud it if you put forth no effort to think clearly. Remember there was probably a time where you at least wondered if you would ever find someone to love.
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Take a Chance
Take a chance. Because you never know how absolutely perfect something could turn out to be.
Many of us have dreams, and promises that we have pushed down in our lives. Sometimes we subject ourselves to remaining stagnant in life, because we are so unsure of ourselves that we choose to not even try in certain instances. We have to go through life with the attitude that if we try we might fail, but if we never try we will most certainly fail.
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One Day You Will Be Able To Forgive
Forgiveness doesn't excuse their behavior. Forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying your heart.
What about what is fair? What about your pain? What about what you did to mess things up? And what about the things you didn't do to stop yourself from being hurt? What about the past?
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The World Needs People Who Have Come Alive
Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
A person who is alive is a person who spreads their life to others a lot of times without even intentionally doing so. The world doesn't need people who are going to bring more of the same to it, the world needs people who are going to bring themselves to it. What makes you come alive? What are the things that you do in life that you have great passion for?
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The Best Way To Predict Your Future
The best way to predict your future is to create it.
Creating your future is a job for you and only you, because only YOU truly know where YOU want to go in life. A lot of us live our lives in the hopes of becoming someone that we always wanted to be, while only a few of us will truly be brave enough to go after our dreams. Do you believe that you can do all of the things that everyone else might tell you that you can't? Do you believe in working hard, and working harder when you fall short of a goal? Do you believe that you can overcome the voices of everyone around you, even the one inside of you that may doubt your capabilities, and the attainment of your dreams?
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It Doesn't Matter What Other People Think
It doesn't matter what other people think... If you make the choice to create positive changes, for yourself, that is all that matters. You don't need anyone's approval, validation or support... and a lot of the time, you really should avoid it.
If you really want to live a peaceful life you have to be willing to let the thoughts and opinions of you by others, bounce right off of you, once heard. Your peace doesn't come from being someone that others want you to be, in fact you will never find peace when you don't know who you really are, or why you are really here.
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Keep Your Head Up
Keep your head up. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.
Keeping a cool humble demeanor, avoiding being too proud, and keeping your hopes up high, are things that are very beneficial for you to do in your life so that you may ultimately become who you desire to be. Keeping your hopes up high isn't always the easiest task to accomplish, especially when life gets tough.
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Apr 26
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