Focus On Those Who Love You
Being able to focus on what is truly important in life is something that we all must learn if we are going to make and maintain a successful lifestyle. What should be most important to all of us first and foremost is our relationship with God, because without him we wouldn't have life, and without him it is impossible to sustain our lives.

Our families and friends that are family should get a great amount of focus as well. At the end of our lives we will have nothing to take with us, but those who love us will be able to remember us and our legacy by remembering how much of a blessing that we were to them in our lifetime.

Last, we should also give great focus to the business matters of the heart. Not everyone will leave a mark on the world through great business ventures, just as not everyone in the world will leave their mark as the most artistic or creative soul, but we must leave our mark somehow. We must be willing to do what is inside of our hearts and do it with as much of our heart as we possibly can.

Family Isn't Always Blood
Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.
Though not everyone has the capability of just calling whoever they want or seeing whomever they may desire when they desire to, we should all make an effort to reach out to those we love, and those who love us unconditionally just the same.
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Loving Someone Unconditionally
Unconditional love is when someone hurts you making you angry, but because you care about that person so much you choose not to hurt them in return.
Sometimes when we love, we love so hard that no matter what happens, no matter how much we have been angered, the last thing that we want to do is to hurt the person that we love. Love does many strange things to us that we normally wouldn't even consider doing. For example, us being unwilling to lash at someone who has hurt us is an approach that many just are not willing to take when they dont love someone.
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The Best Things In The World Cannot Be Seen Or Even Touched
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller
Life is full of many things, and many of the most important things in our lives stem from the things that we can't see with our natural eyes. Things like the choices that we are willing to make on a day-to-day basis, affect our lives greatly without us even seeing how. The way that we choose to dress may help us to gain recognition that we aren't even seeking consciously, or it may help to deter others from wanting to get to know us.
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Hate In Your Heart Will Consume You
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too. -Will Smith
When we choose to hold hate in our heart we not only limit ourselves by not allowing ourselves to see the full picture of the past to be able to learn from it, but we also limit our future as we won't be able to see clearly enough each day to be the success that we are truly destined to be.
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Tears Shed From Another Person Are Not A Sign Of Weakness
Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart. -Jose N. Harris,
Tears can be a great indicator of how much a person actually cares for someone else. Since tears help to soothe and heal the soul from pain, when a person cries uncontrollably over a person or situation in their lives, chances are they have feelings for whatever it may be that is causing them to react in this manner. When we love someone we have to be ready for all of the things that being involved with someone may potentially lead us to.
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Don't Fall In Love With Someone Who Says The Right Things
Don't fall in love with someone who says the right things, fall in love with someone who does the right things. -Robert Tew
Sometimes when we start to feel ourselves fall in love, we get cold feet and contemplate backing out of potential relationships before they start because we feel as though we may not be ready to give our heart away. Remember when you are in the midst of finding a love to make sure that you arent just falling in love with the person that they present themselves as on the outside, and not the person that they truly are at the level of their heart and soul.
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It's Not Selfish To Love Yourself
It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It's necessary.
As humans sometimes it is easy to feel invincible, especially when the bad habits that we give practice to everyday don't seem to affect us like we are warned about.
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Love For Today And Love For Tomorrow
Live for today, love for tomorrow, and laugh at all your yesterdays. Never regret the past, always hope for the future, and cherish every moment you have.
To live a life with no regrets a person has to be willing to take life for all that it be, and without expecting to understand or win every battle, but instead to just love life, period. No matter what you do, you will make mistakes, and that is okay. Nobody said that everything would come easily, and not everything that happens in your present will be completely understood.
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We Come To Love Not By Finding A Person Person
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
Nobody in this world is perfect and we have to know before entering into a relationship that love doesnt come by finding the perfect person. Real love happens when you find who is perfect for you, your life, and your dreams.
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Losing Yourself In The Process Of Loving Someone
The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too. -Ernest Hemingway
One of the most troubling consequences of falling in love too fast is losing who you are in the process. Though some relationships happen very fast and are totally meant to be, some are forced, and sometimes people who are not equally spiritual counterparts make changes to themselves in the hopes that making these changes will help to solidify their relationships. This usually results in a person not being happy in their relationship later on because they realize that they must continue to act as someone they really aren't to give their relationship a chance to work.
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Apr 27
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