Forgive Those Who Hurt You
When we choose to hold hate in our heart we not only limit ourselves by not allowing ourselves to see the full picture of the past to be able to learn from it, but we also limit our future as we won't be able to see clearly enough each day to be the success that we are truly destined to be.

Be stronger than any type of prejudice or any type of hate. Many times the chains of prejudice and hate are taught from generation to generation, and in the bottom of our hearts we know that this deep prejudice doesn't sit well with our spirit man, yet in fear of looking different from our peers, we choose to continue to sit in these chains.

Just as no one is better than you, you are not better than anyone else. We are all equals, with different talents and abilities given to us by God to help make this world as good as possible.

Don't Let Yourself Be Controlled By These Three Things
Don't let yourself be controlled by these three things: your past, people, and money.
Life isn't always what it seems to be, and in the end, life isn't about what you do, or what you have done, it's about what you can do for the good of all humanity.
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Having The Courage To Make A Change
God give me strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
When people are wrong, they will come up with any excuse or reason in order to continue to live their life in a shameful way. People without courage or much care for anyone other than themselves and how they may look to others will more often than not try to condemn you when they feel condemned, they will try to disturb your peace when they have none, and they will try to discredit you when you receive your victories in life.
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Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. -Albert Einstein
In these days and times it is much harder to focus on building with others because of all of the distractions around us.
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Protect Your Enthusiasm From The Negativity Of Others
Protect your enthusiasm from the negativity and fear of others. Never decide to do nothing just because you can only do little. Do what you can. You would be surprised at what 'little' acts have done for our world.
There will always be that small voice that the Bible itself calls the voice of the accuser that you will hear in an effort to get you to doubt yourself. The greatest people to ever have walked this Earth are those who were willing to do what their own thoughts argued against them doing.
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Excuses Are Made Out Of Pure Laziness
Most of the time, excuses are made out of pure laziness. For people who are constantly making excuses...the negative energy it takes to do so could instead be used on getting things DONE! Great things come to those who work hard for it and that goes for everything in life. Opportunities will pass you by if you don't take advantage of them. Simple as that. So next time you hear someone whining about why they aren't where they want to be in life...ask them what they have done to get there.
Do you dare to excel? Do you not only dream but go after your dreams with a sword of ambition, and a shield of unrelenting hope? To make the best of this life we have to be willing to excel. We have to be willing to take ten steps when our opponents are only willing to take 5.
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The Creation Of Beauty Is Art
Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art.
We are what we create. Inside of every single one of us lives an artist dying to come out and paint the world in whatever way he or she sees fit.
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God Won't Ask What You Did To Help Yourself But Will Ask...
God won't ask what you did to help yourself but will ask what you did to help others.
Most times the best things in life are free. You never know how much one small gesture like a smile, or a few simple words of encouragement can help to brighten and lift someone to the point in which they are willing and able to overcome.
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A Smart Person Will Give You Smart Answers
A smart person will give you smart answers, but a wise person will ask you smart questions.
To truly be humble and live a humble life, you have to be willing to admit that you don't really know it all. Yes there are certain things that you can do to try to get certain results; you have to realize that nothing in life will happen the exact way that you want it to every single time.
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It's Okay To Get Knocked Down
Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you've ever been, to stand up taller than you than you ever were.
The longer that you live, and I mean truly live, the more mistakes that you will make. The more that you are willing to learn from these mistakes the better of a person you will become. Life will throw its difficulties your way, but you have to be willing to keep going.
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In The End It's Not The Years In Your Life That Count
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
Time is of the essence! Every minute of every day we should be doing all we can to help better ourselves and to help better this world. One fact that we must all take heed to is the fact that we can waste any of our material resources and just be out of it, knowing that eventually we can get anything material back in our lives if we simply work hard enough to get them.
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May 04
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