The Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
What do you love to do that challenges you? No I'm not asking you about what it is that you like to do that require you to be mindless like watching television. I'm asking what it is that makes you happy when you do it? What in your life do you not take seriously now that you enjoy doing so much that you dont realize how much time actually goes by when you are doing, and at the same time forces you to be active?
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When Chasing Your Dreams, Stick To The Plan
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. -Thomas Edison
Sticking to the plan is much harder to do than it is to say, but it is definitely a top priority in chasing your dreams, and becoming the person that you always desired to become. If you are a person with good organization, and a good heart, and on top of that make plans and set goals, you are already a person who has a great jump on life compared to many others in society.
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Help and Inspire Others Around You
If you can wake up every morning loving what you do, help and inspire others around you to be better than they were yesterday then you know you're doing something right in business and in life.
Be an inspiration. In this cruel world full of people who are only concerned with bringing others down with their judgments, words, and thoughts, we have to be one of the few who actually make an effort to inspire others, and make a difference by being the best motivators we can by simply being ourselves. We must all aspire to inspire, and aspire to create a better world by the time we are gone from it, and then it was when we first began it.
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Freedom Is Nothing But A Chance To Be Better
The moment you can visualize being free from the things that hold you back you have indeed begun to set yourself free.
Everyone should have the freedom in their life to do whatever it is that they truly desire to do. No matter how right or wrong another person feels about what we choose to do, no one should be able to choose for us. God gave us all a free will, and though there are many things most of us can do, there are a few things that we should all try to do as a people in order to help strengthen humanity as whole.
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Never Stop Doing Your Best
Never stop doing your best just because one person doesn't give you credit.
As we proceed on our daily journeys through life, it is important that we remain encouraged despite if we feel that we are getting enough credit for the things we feel as we do right. When we think about the big picture of life, we realize that everything we do represents our life story in at least some way. Though it is common to get discouraged when we feel as though we aren't receiving the recognition we deserve, we have to fight against these negative ways of thinking, and continue to push forward anyway.
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Laughter Is The Best Medicine
There's no reason not to laugh!
If we are ever going to get past the obstacles we have in life, we have to do so with a great amount of courage in the roughest times. No matter what we do, we can't do it without being positive, or we will ultimately be destined to fail. Instead of cowering in the face of adversity we should laugh, smile, and keep a positive attitude.
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Seize Every Day As An Adventure
Seize every day as an adventure and your spirit will soar when you discover the wonderful surprises life has to offer.
In keeping a positive attitude and mindset in our everyday lives we must face life with a tough resolve. Though in life there will always be our responsibilities, we must go through life on our journey to greatness and the achievement of our dreams, with our game face on. Face life as if you have nothing to lose, because in reality you dont. If your mindset is positive enough you will never suffer another defeat in your life, because you will be able confront life and everything that it challenges you with knowing that every bit of it is a learning experience, even your failures.
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Recognize The Opportunity In Every Difficulty
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Are you a pessimist or are you an optimist? Do you choose to see the difficulties in every opportunity that presents itself to you, or do you choose to see the opportunities in every difficulty that you encounter in life.
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Having The Courage To Make A Change
God give me strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
When people are wrong, they will come up with any excuse or reason in order to continue to live their life in a shameful way. People without courage or much care for anyone other than themselves and how they may look to others will more often than not try to condemn you when they feel condemned, they will try to disturb your peace when they have none, and they will try to discredit you when you receive your victories in life.
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Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity
It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. -Albert Einstein
In these days and times it is much harder to focus on building with others because of all of the distractions around us.
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