Let Us Work Together For Unity And Love
If we are to ever feel right about ourselves, if we are ever to feel at peace, we have to be willing to cultivate peace and harmony with everyone we possibly can.

This means that we should not only be willing to associate with those that society would deem as our superiors, and those who society would deem our peers, but we should also make a concerted effort to associate with those who society would deem as below us.

Not only should we associate with people of our own race, people of our own ethnic backgrounds, people of our own gender, people of our own religion, or people of our same socioeconomic background, but we should also associate with people we may not even feel comfortable talking to at first. This is observing good faith and justice toward all nations; this is living in peace and harmony.

Kill Them With Kindness
Bullying is never okay, even if that person has hurt you, don't hurt them. Take the high road and kill them with kindness.
Destroying your enemies isn't something that you should do using manipulation, mean words, or elaborative techniques. Destroying your enemies is something that you can only really do without meaning to. Destroying your enemies should only come as a result of being the kindest possible person you can towards someone else.
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Life Is Too Short To Think Small
Your greatest risk is in thinking too small. Think big. Life is too short to think small.
Before a person can ever achieve anything worth achieving, they must be willing to think bigger than anyone has ever thought, and do the things that people aren't willing to do, in order to somehow equivocate their lives with their thinking.
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Inspirational Quote By Mother Teresa
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
It seems as though the more we know, and the more we find ourselves in tune with life, the crazier that the world and the people in it actually seem. Even through this, we have to be willing to love. It takes courage and faith to continue to believe in people when they have shown you every reason in the world not to.
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Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Fails To Work Hard
Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.
To really be the best you have to believe that out of millions of people in the world that you can, and will work the hardest. Though there are many people out there, many who may have more talent than you, the difference between being a great, and being average or below average is being willing to make the most out of yourself by being willing to put in the most work.
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You Have Three Choices In Life
You have three choices in life. Give up, give in, or give it your all. So remember that falling down is part of life and picking yourself up is part of living!
If you really want to be the best in the world you have to realize that just because numbers are against you, just because logic is against you, and just because some people may even be against you, you can really be the best!
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Love Yourself Before Loving Someone Else
You can never be happy as someones other half unless you can be happy as a whole all on your own.
A real true love is having the knowledge that one must be able to have a perfect love inside of their self. Love that we can only find in God, and a love that we will most likely never find in other men.
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Having The Strength To Accept The Things You Cannot Change
God give me strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
One of the most beautiful things that we have in this life is the power to make decisions. We choose what we go through or the lack thereof, and from many of these experiences we are able to develop a sense of discernment and wisdom that should help carry us to great heights.
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Working Together Is Success
Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. -Henry Ford
An important part of success is being able to not only put a fine team of individuals together, but it is also to put people together to be part of a working machine, or structure that will stay together for a long time to come.
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In Life We Only Receive What We Are Willing To Give
The life of a high achiever is one of give-and-receive. We receive that which we are willing to first give out. Therefore, to grow and achieve we must first be willing to help others grow and achieve, and, in so doing, the light of reciprocal achievement will brightly shine upon us. -Greg Werner
For a person to really be a high achiever they have to go through life not only receiving, but they must be a giver as will. We only receive in life what we are willing to give.
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Build A Dream And The Dream Will Build You
Dream big. It's the first step to success. Just like the saying, shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars. So aim high, aim higher than you ever thought you could because if it just wasn't meant to be, you'll still shine.
When we are willing to not only envision our dreams, but also are willing to go after our dreams, we will soon realize that the pursuit of these dreams will help to build us as well.
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