Never Apologize For What You Feel
Sometimes being real with someone isn't what they desire to hear, but when we decide to tell the truth, instead of dodging the truth by telling a lie, your reward will be greater in knowing that you will have much more peace than you would if you did otherwise. Never say sorry for being honest, because while a lie may last for a short amount of time until it is found out, or until it has to be compounded with more lies, the truth can never fade or die.

Being honest doesn't mean that you have to be mean or forceful, for we should always treat others with respect and dignity. But being honest does mean that when faced with a decision of having to do what is morally right or morally wrong, that you make the most moral decision for your own peace of mind, without regret.

It Is Better To Conquer Yourself Than To Win A Thousand Battles
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell. -Buddha
Everyone has things in their lives that bring them trouble consistently over and over again. What we continue to do over and over again equals up to who we are as a person. Are you proud of the things that you continue to do over and over?
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The Most Powerful Relationship You Will Ever Have
The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself. -Steve Maraboli
One of the best ways to find out who we are on the inside, what we really desire, and to hear what is really inside of our hearts, is to take some time and get away from our current environments so that we can really meditate and hear ourselves.
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Imagination Will Take You Everywhere
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. -Albert Einstein
Imagination is what makes the world go around. Imagination can do things that our physical abilities can't do, like see a world that our eyes arent able to see, hear the world in a way that our ears arent able to hear, and feel a world that our hands arent able to feel.
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Lord, Make Me An Instrument Of Peace
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
Peace is one of the most beautiful words one will ever find because it is one of the most beautiful things that life will offer anybody if they are willing to accept and understand how it works. Peace is something that absolutely cannot be kept in a forceful manner, and can really only be achieved by understanding.
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Everything Has Beauty, But Not Everyone Sees It
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. -Confucius
The things that make you different are the things that make you beautiful. There are some very unique traits that every single person in the world has that can't be compared to any other person collectively. Sure, we all have our similarities, but there is no way that two people can say that they are exactly identical.
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Blessed Are Those Who See Beautiful Things In Humble Places
Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. -Camille Pissarro
Those who are able to see the beauty in things that others may never see anything remotely beautiful in are those who are able to dream most vividly. Because of this candid ability, these people are the ones who in turn make life more beautiful to others. Seeing the good in everything is a hard trait to pick up if you arent already born with this way of thinking, but never fret, because one can always make a diligent effort to change his or her thinking.
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People Will Hate You, Rate You, Shake You and Break You
People will hate you, rate you, shake you, and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you.
Whether we realize or admit it to it, when we choose to hate, we choose to deny ourselves pieces of life that could really make us better. The man who chooses to hate is the man who chooses to avoid living, and ultimately is a man who chooses to do nothing but die.
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Work For A Cause, Not For Applause
Work for a cause, not for applause... Live life to express, not to impress.
For someone to really take pride in their life and who they want to become, they have to be willing to work hard In everything that they do.
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There Are A Thousand Things You Can Love
Remember that at any given moment there are a thousand things you can love.
The earth is too full of beauty to not be able to love one thing in it. Even in the loneliest times of our lives we are never truly lonely. Not only do we have God with us at all times, but we have his creations as well. Including the beautiful animals like dogs, cats, horses, and so on, who are able to offer us a level of companionship that sometimes our own peers can't.
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Reach The Unreached, Touch The Untouched
On the road to success; there's a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends & red lights called enemies.
In our lives as we continue to travel a journey, following who we are in heart, and who we are inside at our soul's level, we will be able to go to places that no one in particular has been before, and we will be able to touch things no one else has been able to touch.
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Apr 26
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