People Hate The Truth, But Luckily The Truth Doesn't Care
People hate the truth, but luckily the truth doesn't care.
People will always hate the truth, and this is often because the truth doesn't always care what your beliefs may have been before you found it. When we are forced to challenge our beliefs and everything that we are made of, we often develop a quick sense of hate for what we are being challenged by.
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Being Honest Will Get You The Right Friends
Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones.
in a crazy situation? Want to make things worse? Be sure to lie, that will definitely make things worse.
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Being Honest Will Always Get You The Right Friends
Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones.
Being able to be honest with yourself doesnt always mean that the people who are forced to deal with your honesty can handle it. Sometimes people will be offended by your honesty, and others will be put off, but this cant be any of your concern.
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Never Lie To Someone That Trusts You
Never lie to someone that trusts you. Never trust someone that lied to you.
When you tell the truth you build trust in your relationships with others. And when you lie you destroy all of the trust that you built up within that relationship.
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Be Honest With Yourself At All Times
Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones.
In a world full of dishonesty, not only are those who are full of honesty rare, they are really jewels to today's society. Don't go out of your way to hide the truth, instead go out of your way to make the truth be known. Don't lie to yourself, be honest with yourself at all times, and know that doing so will lead to you making much more significant strides in your life than you would have if you decided to be dishonest.
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Never Apologize For What You Feel
Never apologize for what you feel. It's like saying sorry for being real.
Sometimes being real with someone isn't what they desire to hear, but when we decide to tell the truth, instead of dodging the truth by telling a lie, your reward will be greater in knowing that you will have much more peace than you would if you did otherwise. Never say sorry for being honest, because while a lie may last for a short amount of time until it is found out, or until it has to be compounded with more lies, the truth can never fade or die.
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The Truth Always Comes Up Missing
Everybody talks and everybody listens, but somehow it's the truth that always comes up missing. -Drake
Truth is one of the most difficult subjects for many of us to face, even though it should be one of the easiest in our lives if we are always committed to it. If a person is truthful and honest in the beginning of any given situation they won't have to go out of their way later on in order to remember the mistruths or misconceptions that they put off, and have to live a life that isnt true to who they are.
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Be Honest With Your Friends
Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but itll always get you the right ones.
Choosing to be honest is crucial to becoming who you aspire to be, because it allows you to act as honestly as possible to who you really are deep down. Being honest may not be the best way to get an overflowing amount of friends, but who wants friends that you can't be open and honest with anyway? Your friends should be people that you can be open and honest with at all times, not just when it is convenient for them to hear the truth.
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Pretty Words Are Not Always True
Pretty words are not always true, and true words are not always pretty.
Though there are some who are given the gift to outlay an excellent terminology the words they utter do not necessarily mean anything if they aren't true. If we are to be concerned with a person's words we must be able to effectively choose who we give our ears to by devoting the energy that we spend listening, hearing and understanding words of actual wisdom, and not words that are played together nicely.
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Some People Tell You Exactly What You Want To Hear
It is so easy to believe someone when they tell you exactly what you want to hear.
In this cruel world we must be careful because some people are only in lives for their own pleasures and desires. Some will tell you things that they think you want to hear so that they may get out of you whatever it is that they desire. If we want to avoid dealing with deceptive people, we must be willing to do a number of things.
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