Never Regret Your Past
Don't forget all that you have ever learned. Every memory that you have is a part of you. Every fight, every love, every relationship, every dinner, every graduation, and even every school day have left some kind of impression upon you, and have made you exactly who you are presently. Don't try to disregard the person you used to be by just trying to sweep that person under the rug! Embrace your past, even if it doesn't make you happy when thinking about it, it can make your present much more pleasant, and your future days much brighter.

Embrace the trials and tribulations that you experienced, and take with you the lessons that they supplied you with. These memories are arsenal for your future, make the best out of these weapons by using them as each day passes, and as you are given new opportunities to live your life!


One Day You Will Be Able To Forgive
Forgiveness doesn't excuse their behavior. Forgiveness prevents their behavior from destroying your heart.
What about what is fair? What about your pain? What about what you did to mess things up? And what about the things you didn't do to stop yourself from being hurt? What about the past?
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Stop Cheating On Your Future With Your Past
Stop cheating on your future with your's over.
The future has yet to be written, have you yet picked up a pen? Your time to start is now! Stop making excuses, stop living in the past, and stop thinking about what little you have now. It isn't about what you have now, its about what you will have in the future if you are just willing to risk losing what little you have now. Remember that failure will come, and adversity will make its presence known as you try to better yourself as well. Never let these things stop you from becoming the person that you know you truly want to become.
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Don't Keep Running Back To Someone
Don't keep running back to the one person that you need to walk away from.
Even though we tell ourselves and everyone around us that we are over someone it doesn't necessarily mean that it is true. In order for us to live our lives to the fullest it is best to cope with the pain in our lives that we encounter due to heart break. In trying to get over someone we are making the decision to try to rid ourselves of the painful emotions that we are experiencing due to the sentiment that we lost a love that we in a way depended upon to function.
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Only Look Back To See How Far You've Come
The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you've come.
In order to move on from day to day we must be willing to do just that, move on from the days past and look towards our future. Today may not be your brightest day, and surely every day will not be. As long as one is able to forget about the bad days of the past and look forward to the bright days of the future then one will be able to overcome just about anything that life throws at them.
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Beautiful Quote on Moving Forward
There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.
In different instances in our lives it is easy to stop pursuing a relationship that we know that if we put a tad bit more effort towards would blossom into a heavenly flower of infinite beauty, because of the walls that one or both parties is putting up. Sometimes people that have been hurt in the past or whom are afraid of giving someone a chance because they never want to be hurt, choose to put walls up in order to prevent this from happening.
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Don't Ruin Today By Worrying About Yesterday's Problem
Don't ruin today by worrying about yesterday's problem. Yesterday won't ever come back, just make the best of today.
You will have days of joy, and extreme happiness, and you will have days with mixed emotions, loneliness, and feelings of being lost. You will have days in which you feel that you can do nothing right, and then there are days in which you feel that you can't lose. Every person will have their good days, and every person will have their bad days.
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You're Not Supposed To Look Back, You're Supposed To Keep Going
You're not supposed to look back, you're supposed to keep going.
Whenever we face difficulty, obstacles, challenging situations filled with turmoil in our lives the easiest route to take is anywhere but moving forwards. Some like to look back and blame their past and the people in it for not being able to move forward, when it is in fact their own fault for looking back instead of going forward.
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Life Life For What Tomorrow Can Bring
The past should be left in the past or it can steal your future. Live life for what tomorrow can bring and not what yesterday has taken away. Every day is a gift.
As the unique, most precious, and most beautiful of almost any organism that lives, every single one us deserves to live our lives as we want to, and not how anyone else wants us to. Some people let others live their lives for them, and let the influence of others persuade them to be someone who they arent at their deepest levels.
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Don't Let Yourself Be Controlled By These Three Things
Don't let yourself be controlled by these three things: your past, people, and money.
Life isn't always what it seems to be, and in the end, life isn't about what you do, or what you have done, it's about what you can do for the good of all humanity.
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There Are Far Better Things Ahead Than Any We Leave Behind
There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.
Choose to look ahead. Think about it. If we chose to navigate our cars and drive forward, while focusing intently on the rearview mirror, chances are we are in for a big accident and a big amount of destruction. This is a great analogy for how we should live our lives as well. If we choose to live our lives in the hopes of moving forward, but with our hearts focused on the past, sooner than later we will wreck our lives.
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