One Man's Loss Is Another Man's Opportunity
A wise man once said that the loss of opportunity is a swim in the pool or regret later in life. There is a world of opportunities around us. Even when a person is enslaved, or imprisoned, when they are able to free their minds, they at many times have more freedom than those who aren't constrained physically.

We have the opportunity to keep our minds freed at all times from negative forces within this world. It is ultimately this commitment to being positive that allows for many men and women to see opportunity that they otherwise would have never seen.

Opportunity is always subjective to the willingness of a person to be positive, and to see everything instead of solely what they desire to see. Many see gold where others only see dirt. It is those who are willing to see the good in every situation that are able to truly travel the places that they desire to see.

Far Too Many People Are Looking For The Right Person Instead Of...
Far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of trying to be the right person. -Gloria Steinem
In order for you to really find the right person to be with you have to be willing to make sure that you already have a solid foundation as well. Working on yourself before you enter into important relationships will keep you on the right roads to success along with the right people.
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Rid Yourself Of Jealousy
Rid yourself of jealousy, for the joys of others shouldn't be a part of your qualms.
One of the deadliest poisons a person can consume in their lifetime is the poison of jealousy. As people we are all blessed with certain talents and certain skills, and what someone else has should never make us jealous, but instead should ignite our own flame for life.
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Respect Other People's Feelings
Respect other people's feelings. It may not mean anything to you but it may mean everything to them.
Many times we have friends and family who get offended very easily when we don't give as much care as they do to different life events and circumstances. Sometimes doing the right thing by your friends' means asking them questions about the way that they are feeling when they seem to be acting differently towards you. Sometimes you may have to examine the way you treat them and put yourself in their shoes to really understand how to proceed further in your relationship with them.
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All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter, Not All Who Wander Are Lost
All that is gold does not glitter, not all who wander are lost.
An important teaching that we can all really stand to learn over the period of our natural life is the fact that everything thing in this world isn't always how we first perceive that it will be. Often we approach situations thinking that we are already prepared for them, and then after we are forced to recognize that our prior beliefs may be wrong we are able to help change the situation by adapting to it.
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Normal People Don't Go Around Destroying Other Human Beings
If someone treats you like shit, just remember that there is something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don't go around destroying other human beings.
If you ever want to truly respect yourself you have to be willing to remember that your worth is infinite in value. We are all priceless, and just because someone else can't see it does not at all mean that we should invest all of our time into trying to convince them otherwise.
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Whoever Is Slow To Anger Has Great Understanding
Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.
A quick temper can ruin a person's life. Sometimes all we need to do is change the small things to help keep our tempers at a level that will help to keep people at ease in their dealings with us.
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Another Year, Lots Of New Dreams
Another year, lots of new dreams.
Though the beginning of a new year may be seen by most as a world of new possibilities, soon to be opened up by changes in lifestyle and changes in the decisions that they will choose to make, every day is essentially a day that we can begin to start a new lifestyle. Every waking moment, we have the decision to make changes in our lives despite the decisions that we have already made in the past, there is always room new beginnings.
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Being Deeply Loved Gives You Strength
Being deeply loved gives you strength, loving deeply gives you courage. -Lao Tzu
Love is what makes the world go round. When we are able to accept the love from the people around us that are willing to transmit it to us, we are accepting the strength therein that love will help to provide. In turn, when we are able to love those around us who should be given ones due, we are also acting out of courage.
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Don't Let Past Relationships Ruin Your Future Happiness
Don't let past relationships ruin your future happiness, scars remind us of where we've been, not where we are going.
When you come to the realization that what is done is done you open yourself up to truly living instead of just carrying on.
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Forget What's Gone And Appreciate What Still Remains
Sometimes you have to forget what's gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to what's coming next.
After we face huge amounts of pain and heartbreak, it is often very difficult and trying when we even think of moving on. As we have all faced some sort of heartbreak in our lives we must know that the time we spend over-analyzing situations we cant change and trying to figure out what we could have done differently, will only cost us more heartache. We have to be willing to face truth eventually, and often times that truth is what is done has already been done.
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