Do Not Let The Opinions Of Others Consume You
Do not let the opinions of others consume you.
When we choose to let the opinions of others matter too much to us, then we are choosing to let their opinions consume us. Instead of living your life worried about what others may think or feel about what you are doing, live your life to the best of your ability, with the things that are in your heart and not someone else's heart.
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When You're Blessed The Haters Come Out
When you're blessed, the haters come out. When you wear God's blessings well, don't be surprised if it draws jealousy out of people.
If anyone wants to do great work at some point in their lifetime, they must do so knowing that there will be some criticism. Criticism should never be able break you, and if it does, you are probably listening to the wrong critiques. In hearing criticism we have to be able to think about it and take it all in objectively.
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Don't Let Anyone Every Dull Your Sparkle
Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.
In life we have many choices to make, and one of the most helpful of these choices that we can decide, is to abide in the residence of those who help to positively provide a boost in our lives. A great friend is one who is honest, humble, confident, helpful, and loving. There will be some who attempt to be in your life and bring you down, so that they may gain some confidence in their own lives.
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Promote What You Love Instead Of Bashing What You Hate
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
People hate when they feel as though their efforts haven't been, and probably won't be as adequate as what they see someone else doing. It is instinctual for people to challenge other people who seem to have a slight edge on themselves, but that doesn't mean we should not work hard at loving each other, instead of stubbornly clinging to hate.
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Mind The Business That Pays You
People that try to mind your business don't really have their lives under control, they want to have yours under control.
One of the most useful lessons that we can learn in life is to pay attention and give our greatest focus to doing what we love. It is so easy to get caught up in the business of others, and in doing so it is easy to be pulled down into the drama and negativity from the lives of others when we continue to put ourselves in these positions.
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Don't Let Hate Consume Your Heart
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
There are many people in life who don't understand what good really is, and probably never will. This is caused by a plethora of ideals and beliefs, but the underlying factor usually seems to be that a person of this nature simply cannot figure out how to love people, including themselves. When we encounter people who live this way, we must know that the problem doesn't lie within our relationship with them; the problem lies in them not being able to love themselves.
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Whoever Is Trying To Bring You Down Is Already Below You
Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.
When people are miserable with their own lives, they usually try to bring others down. I have learned through a lot of my experiences in life that a lot of hate and criticism is derived from those who aren't content with their own lives. Those who lack the confidence and esteem to make the decisions that they need to make for themselves, are usually the same ones who will watch and criticize every decision you make.
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In Life, You'll Meet 2 Kinds Of People
In life, you'll meet 2 kinds of people. The ones who build you up and the ones who tear you down. In the end, you'll thank them both.
There are many people in life that will choose to tell you what exactly your life is about and why you need to do what they are doing to get ahead. There are some people with really great wisdom, who are willing to give you valuable advice, and we should always be sure to at least take a listen to the advice of someone with more success than us so that in turn we may be even more successful.
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Don't Judge Me Until You Know Me
Don't judge me until you know me. Don't underestimate me until you challenge me. And don't talk about me until you talk to me!
In becoming who we are as a person we have to be willing to shake away from the judgment that we think we will see from others from being who we are. One thing about life is, there will be people that enter into your life, even at a distance, who will make no effort to get to know you, but will instead just choose not to like you.
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People Will Hate You, Rate You, Shake You and Break You
People will hate you, rate you, shake you, and break you. But how strong you stand is what makes you.
Whether we realize or admit it to it, when we choose to hate, we choose to deny ourselves pieces of life that could really make us better. The man who chooses to hate is the man who chooses to avoid living, and ultimately is a man who chooses to do nothing but die.
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