Sometimes The Hardest Thing And The Right Thing Are The Same
Sometimes doing what is hardest for you to do, and doing what is best, is the same exact thing. If we ever desire to live a righteous life, we have to be willing to sometimes not speak our mind when we know we can prove a point. It may mean saying goodbye to a person in your life that you never thought you would have to be without. Doing the right thing may mean that you have to go against the majority or popular opinion to stand up for what you feel in your heart you should stand up for.

Doing the easiest thing is not always what will be most beneficial to you. Many times we have to challenge our beliefs, our practices, and ourselves to see how we can really grow. So make the extra effort, and ask yourself about the situations that you encounter daily, in a new focus. Don't look to do only what is easiest for yourself; focus on doing what is right.

You Might Feel Worthless To One Person, But You're Priceless To Another
You might feel worthless to one person, but you're priceless to another. Don't ever forget your value.
We are all very valuable, and despite what we want to believe as we are faced with the adversity of being lost in the crowd, we have to remember that we have meaning. Trust in the fact that God put you on this earth for a reason. You have to use your faith to not only be alive in life, but you also have to have faith so that you can succeed.
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Small Minds Can't Comprehend Big Spirits
Small minds can't comprehend big spirits. To be great, you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood. Stay strong.
When Jesus gave one of his first sermons, there were many who mocked, there were many who laughed at him, there were some who didn't like what he had to say, and there were some who just simply didn't understand what he had to say. At the end of his sermon, there were also a few people who believed in what he said so much that they left everything behind and followed him as his disciple.
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The Best Kinds Of Relationships Begin Unexpectedly
The best kinds of relationships begin unexpectedly. When you get the astonished feeling & everything happens so suddenly. That's why you don't look for love. It comes to you just at the right time; the time you never thought it would have.
The best kinds of relationships are the relationships that happen because they are unforced. Unforced relationships can be some of the best relationships because they come at the right time, even when we don't realize it.
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Removing Certain People Out Of Your Life Makes Room For Better People
Sometimes removing some people out of your life makes room for better people.
The only way to make your life better is if you are willing to grow in each area of your life possible. Sometimes an increase in the quality of your relationships may mean that you have to remove some people in your life now, so that you can make room for others. If you aren't investing in the relationships you have, or if you realize that a relationship you have isnt going to work out because that person just shouldn't be in your life, then it might be time invest elsewhere.
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You'll Meet Two Kinds Of People In Life
You will meet two kinds of people in life: ones who build you up and ones who tear you down. But in the end, you'll thank them both.
Make sure that as you believe and that as you create life, that you place people around you that believe as well. So many people in life are people who will build you up, while there will be others who will be so discourage with their own lives that they try to discourage others.
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Realizing How Blessed You Are
A good life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, dream big, laugh a lot and realize how blessed you are.
A good life is a life that is made. Though we are riddled with many conflicts during our lives, a good life is made good by essentially one thing. This thing is staying courageous enough to believe in whatever it is that drives you. It would be easy to just step back from life, and let it happen, but this would effectively mean that our lives don't really mean much. Purposeful action and belief is what will keep us away from just treading water in the sea of life, and instead will keep us swimming, build us a raft, and guide us to new adventures and new plains in our lives.
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Be Yourself, Forgive Yourself, Love Yourself and Empower Yourself
Be yourself, accept yourself, value yourself, forgive yourself, bless yourself, express yourself, trust yourself, love yourself, empower yourself.
The simple fact that you can carry a sword doesn't make you a warmonger. Just because there are many ways to look at ourselves are someone that we really aren't, doesnt ever mean that we should take advantage of them. If we are ever going to achieve real success, we have to be willing to live our lives as our actual selves.
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Break Away From Relationships That Are Limiting You
In order for you to rise higher, you have to break away from relationships that are limiting you. -Joel Osteen
Sometimes in order to rise higher, you have to rid yourself free of the dead weight that is weighing you down. Did you know that hot air balloons have a maximum weight amount that they can safely carry? This is just a small example of attempting to fly with too much weight in your cab. Sometimes allowing your friends, or family members around you in times where you need to dedicate yourself to your craft, may put you in a position in which it is much harder to get to where you need to be.
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The Best Makeup Is Your Smile
The best makeup is your smile. There is no beauty like the one that comes from inside of you.
There is no beauty like the beauty that comes from inside of you. Because of society and because of huge influences of things like advertising (which many studies say is more influential than the things in America that we learn in school by the time we are older) and other forms of media, many of us feel as though what really makes us beautiful by radiating inside of us, isn't what true beauty really is, when in fact the only real and lasting beauty is the beauty that comes from within.
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Don't Lose Hope
Don't lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.
If there is one thing in life that you can never lose beside yourself, it is the hope for a better day, because their will always be one. Just as there are bad times; there will come good times as well. And even though things may seem uncertain in the moment, and even though fear may be trying to cloud your mind, fill your mind with hopeful thoughts, and remember to keep stepping out on faith as well.
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May 09
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