Stop Holding On To What Hurts
In our lives we are faced with many circumstances including instances of heartbreak that we may at one point have had control over, but eventually will not.

When we are done grieving we have to come to terms with what hurt us so much, forgive if it is needed, and be able to let go. Once we are truly able to let go of the things that have caused us so much pain, only then are we truly able to experience life for what it really is and what it really should be. When we release the pain from our lives, we allow room for the things that life can bring in an effort to make us feel good.

So stop holding on to what hurts, let go of the negativity, let go of the disappointment, let go of the regret, and be all that you can be by making room for happiness, success and fulfillment.

Let Go Of What You Can't Change
Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change.
Life consists of many aspects, and there are many keys and principles that we must learn to accumulate the most success. One thing that we must do in life is to laugh when we can. Laughter is great for us emotionally, physically, and spiritually, because of its natural healing effects, and stress reducers.
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Remember What You Deserve
Sometimes you have to forget what you want to remember what you deserve.
Sometimes there are people in our lives, and circumstances such as jobs or other entities that we may feel we owe our loyalty to but in turn are only bringing us farther away from the dreams that we desire in our hearts to fulfill. Sometimes we have to be willing to forget what we want in the present to be able to remember that we deserve everything that we are willing to set our hearts on and go get.
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Don't Cry Because Of One Person
Don't cry because of one person. Remember, there are still 6,790,062,216 people to smile to.
Never let one person bring your whole world down. Yes it is true that at times people who we thought might never let us down, end up doing so, and sometimes those who we thought will love us and be there for us forever suddenly leave our lives. While it is natural to grieve, never waste too much time dwelling on a past or person that you can't change.
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Let Go When You're Hurting Too Much
So here's a piece of advice: let go when youre hurting too much. Give up when love isn't enough. And move on when things arent like before. And it's certain there's someone out there who will love you even more.
When we deal with the relationships we are willing participants of in our lives, we sometimes continue to hold on to relationships that hurt us way too much, way too often. There is a time for everything, and when love isnt enough to hold a relationship together anymore chances are it might be time to move on.
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Embracing Life
There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.
One lesson that we must all take with us everywhere we go in our lives is that we have to live courageously. We must all be willing to accept the things that have happened in our lives that we never wanted to happen, learn the things in our lives we never cared to learn about, and let the people go in our lives that are only bringing us down. When you are able to let go of the person that you were, then and only then are you truly able to start becoming the person that you know you can be.
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Just Let Go
Stop trying to control everything and just let go.
An important lesson that we all must learn in our lives is that despite all of the plans, despite all of the goals, and despite all of the direction that we try to put into our lives, sometimes life has a way of just taking us into its own direction. Not everything that we can do in life can be controlled and we have to learn to be able to let go in order to be able to free ourselves us from the weight of the past and be able to be able to fly in the future.
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Letting Go Of Someone You Love
It's sad when people you know, became people you knew.
Sometimes in our lives we must be willing to let people that we may truly love out of them. People can change and become incompatible with our lives, and whether we choose to let them go or not, keeping them in our lives will probably not be beneficial. It is very sad to have to let someone go from your life that you know, and that you thought would probably be in your life for the rest of your lifetime, but doing so sometimes is just the right thing to do.
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Sometimes You Have To Let Go
Some people come into your life just to teach you how to let go.
Sometimes even though we feel like we have great plans for our lives with the people that we have in them now, not knowing that God has much bigger plans for us which may not necessarily include the people that are in them now. In order for us to continue in life sometimes we must allow some of our plans including those that we are involved with fall, in order to learn how to become stronger individuals by learning how to be willing to let go.
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When To Move On
How many times do you need to get hurt for you to know its time to let go.
When we let someone in our lives over and over again, and continue to let them hurt us, and abuse us, we are saying to them that they matter more to us than our self-respect and our dignity, and that if they continue with these types of behaviors that we will continue to let them in our lives. In order to take a stand for ourselves we must be willing to part ways with people with whom we know that we have given a significant amount of chances to.
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Letting Go Of Sadness
You know why it's hard to be happy, because you find it hard to let go of the things that make you sad.
In order to be completely happy we have to be able to completely let go of the things that we know will never be again. We have to let go of our pasts, and the memories that bring us down. Looking back will only hold us back from progressing forward, and while it is ok to be thankful for the memories that make us smile, if they are attached to someone that brings us a lot of pain when we remember them then maybe we should try to limit those memories from arising as much.
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May 04
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