The Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time
What do you love to do that challenges you? No I'm not asking you about what it is that you like to do that require you to be mindless like watching television. I'm asking what it is that makes you happy when you do it? What in your life do you not take seriously now that you enjoy doing so much that you dont realize how much time actually goes by when you are doing, and at the same time forces you to be active?

When we can find something we enjoy doing, we aren't at all wasting our time. In fact taking part in things that we enjoy can very easily point us in the direction of our dreams. There are so many successes who did nothing more than continue to pursue the things in life that brought them the most joy, and you too can be a success because you figured out what you loved to do, and took it serious enough to make something out of your life from it.

Take Control Of Your Life
Take control of your life. Your happiness is in your hands.
Losing your way? We all do, so don't feel convicted or condemned. One simple fact about life is that it is very hard at times. Sometimes we get in situations so undesirable to us, that we feel that we don't even get who we are as a person anymore, and what we really want out of life.
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I Have No Special Talents, I Am Only Passionately Curious
I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious. Albert Einstein
It is amazing to see how even one of the most prolific geniuses of all time didn't realize that he had a talent that most people never considered one. We all have our talents, whether our talent's are some set of athletic skills, skills of the brain, or just being passionately curious, we all have our talents. Never stop believing in yourself, and never think that your talents arent good enough for the world. Instead one must think in terms that the world is going to see their talents put to use in some form or fashion so that a person may leave their mark on the world by the time their life has passed.
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Let Your Spirit Take Flight
Let your spirit take flight.
In times of weakness it is important that we take time to work on ourselves, to search for our own souls, and to find our own hearts. We should all have the spirit to want to strive to make our weaknesses so much better that they are our strengths. Since we are all human, and since no one is perfect, there are going to be weaknesses within each and every one of us that we will have to at some point face and overcome.
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Failure Is Not Falling Down, But Staying Down
If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.
One thing about life that we must all come to terms with at some point is that not every battle we face will be one that we reign victorious in. Just as a baby learns to walk, and stumbles and falls many times before they are able to really have enough balance to carry themselves by walking correctly, is how we learn different things in life, especially how to become a winner.
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Think For Yourself
Think for yourself. Trust your own intuition. Another's mind isn't walking your journey, you are.
As humans, one thing that is great about our society is that we all have something to learn from one another. Though this is a great way to learn, some people get so comfortable with what everyone else's voice says, that they forget about their own. You have your own body, your own mind, and your own free will for a reason. If you choose not to make good use of who you are as an individual no one is liable to be held accountable for this besides yourself.
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Inspiration Is Everywhere And Often In Unexpected Places
Inspiration is everywhere and often in unexpected places: you just have to keep your eyes open.
Through our lives we must be able to find the inspiration in everything that is around us so that we can help to inspire as well, and make this world a better place. To find inspiration in each day we must be willing to let go of our inhibitions sometimes, and just think positively. One thing about being inspired is that everyone has unique things that push certain buttons inside of them that will give them inspiration. It is very hard to stay inspired at all times, especially when struggles and hardship are there to bring you down by leaving you tired and uninspired.
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Take a Chance
Take a chance. Because you never know how absolutely perfect something could turn out to be.
Many of us have dreams, and promises that we have pushed down in our lives. Sometimes we subject ourselves to remaining stagnant in life, because we are so unsure of ourselves that we choose to not even try in certain instances. We have to go through life with the attitude that if we try we might fail, but if we never try we will most certainly fail.
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A Problem Is A Chance For You To Do Your Best
A problem is a chance for you to do your best.
Doing your best is first sparked by being yourself. If you can't plant seeds that will bear fruit that you have no appetite for, you won't eat, and when you don't eat, you starve. Your happiness is determined by a lot of things, but at the root of it all you have to learn how to be yourself, and learn how to live a life working towards becoming your best "self".
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Nothing Great Was Ever Achieved Without Enthusiam
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you are going to live your best life, you must take life a day at a time, and really be about getting to the points in life that you desire to be. If you don't go about life with enthusiasm and aggressiveness, you may still achieve some simple tasks, but you will never reach the mountains of greatness that you are destined to conquer.
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Always Concentrate On How Far You've Come
Always concentrate on how far you've come. Rather than how far you have left to go.
Your end is nowhere in sight, even when you think that your world is coming crashing down. Each day that you are given new breaths to breathe, and new steps to walk is a new day to transform in the most beautiful form of yourself. Coming into your own isn't always something that comes easy to most people but it is something that you have to do so that you may best affect the world in your own way.
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May 05
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