True Friends Give Without Expectations Of Anything In Return
True friendship isn't just one entity itself, it is a whole host of things that we use to measure who we are to others, and who others are to us. Those who your friends are people that you will WIN with, those you overcome with, those who you stick with when times get rough, and those who do the same for you.

Friendship is a lot of things to every person, and because of our uniqueness we will always develop what a sense of friendship is, from our own experiences.

Friends help each other along to milestones and triumphs, so that they may be able to celebrate these victories, and push their friends to do accomplish even more.

Friendship means constantly lifting each other up until you no longer can. Be sure to appreciate and cultivate the friendships in your life that you can feel are meant to last.

Treat Negative Emotions Like Negative People
Treat negative emotions like negative people. Acknowledge their presence and make whatever changes are required to remove them from your life.
One thing we must always be willing to protect is our spirit. Every time we allow for negative people to enter into our lives, and to bring their negative thoughts and opinions our way, we are subconsciously lowering our own morale.
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Understanding Is Much Deeper Than Knowledge
Understanding is much deeper than knowledge. There are many who know you, but very few who understand you.
In true love every moment can be a moment of discovery. When we love someone we must further our knowledge of this person as much as possible in order to gain the best understanding of this person as possible. As we gain more and more understanding about the person we love, we are able to gauge their reactions to things before they come past, we are able to talk to them in a manner that will produce the most results in times of despair, and we are able to love them to the fullest extent that love will allow.
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Stay Away From Negative People
Don't let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise then rent and kick them out! -Robert Tew
Many of us have been in situations where we pulled in a direction to where we don't want to be. Some of us have been abused, mistreated, told that we weren't good enough, and were pressured into being someone that we are not. Until we eventually (hopefully) reach a breaking point, at where we realize that we are so far away from the person that we used to be or wanted to be that we know it may be impossible to get ourselves back.
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Surround Yourself With People Who Are Going To Lift You Higher
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.
Why do waste our time with those who can't see past the horizon. A lot of times when we only strictly deal with people that are comfortable in life where they are, we tend to get complacent ourselves. Just as misery loves company, so does complacency. When we are able to have big dreams and go for them, it takes a lot of heart from ourselves, and it also takes a lot of support, encouragement, and understanding from those who are in our circles.
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People Come Into Your Life For A Reason, A Season, Or a Lifetime
People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do.
I'm sure we have all wanted to go back in time and be who we used to be, especially when someone that we used to love was around. For instance many of us who have lost close loved ones unexpectedly and suddenly are left with feelings of resentment and the cluelessness of what may have been if that person was able to stay around longer.
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Sometimes People Just Need A Hug
When a woman is in a mess, she needs no words, no questions, and no explanations. She needs nothing, but a hug.
The physical love and affection we share sometimes can speak way more than a thousand words. When we show our loved ones affection we are showing them a multitude of things. We are showing them how much we care for them, and love them, and that we will protect them. We are also showing them that we will be there for them in times where they will need us the most, and at times that matter the most. Showing affection isn't just limited to holding someone.
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Don't Waste Time On People Who Don't Deserve It
When I give you my time, I'm giving you a portion of my life that I will never get back. So don't waste it.
Some of the wisest and most influential people on this earth realize that it is not money, but it is time that is probably the most valuable asset in our life. It is hard for us not to take for granted the time we have because not all of us spend all of our time proactively (actively engaging in a planned schedule) but instead we waste our time reacting to things like the television, new web sites we may find on the internet, or on social networking sites like Facebook.
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It's Actions, Not Words That Matter
You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter.
A lot of times it is best for us to judge the character of a person by their actions instead of just by their words and what they want you to believe. When we look at the actions of a person we look at the real heart of them, because usually the actions a person commits are the actions closest to their hearts. A person is going to get done what they want to get done, therefore making their actions a good indicator of what they find important in life.
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If You Miss Someone It Means That You're Lucky
If you miss someone it means that you're lucky, it means you had someone in your life worth missing.
Missing someone, especially someone that we love dearly but can't be with like we would like to, is a difficult part of life that we all have to deal with. Whether in the event of a loved ones death, or a bad break up, it is hard being without someone who was once there for us, and who we never thought in a million years wouldn't be there. Times like this we just have to be strong, and rely on the memories we shared with this person to help us grieve and to comfort us.
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People Don't Change Unless They Want To
People don't change unless they want to. Unless something in their life prompts it. You have to learn to see people for who they really are, right from the get-go. If you don't like something about someone, or how they're treating you, don't expect that they're going to change just for you. It's who they are. Expecting any different only leads to frustration, disappointment and more hurt or disrespect. Not worth it!
There aren't many things in life that aren't possible, but one of them is that people who don't want to change can't be helped to be changed by us. There are many in our lives that we know that seem to be willingly undertaken by life and its circumstances. We must all learn that though there are those in our lives who we feel aren't getting everything out of life that they possibly can, and are living nowhere near to where they may potentially be, there is nothing that we can do for these people if they don't want change within themselves.
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May 05
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