Treat Negative Emotions Like Negative People
One thing we must always be willing to protect is our spirit. Every time we allow for negative people to enter into our lives, and to bring their negative thoughts and opinions our way, we are subconsciously lowering our own morale.

Negative energy is an often unrecognized obstacle to seeing positive forces working in your life because this energy causes a person who is positive to live in the prison of misery that a negative person resides in.

Life is much too short for this. If there are people in your life that are slowly killing you with their energy make it a point to withdraw them from your life.

Simply put, quit giving negative people your time. And watch the positive things that happen in your life as a result of making the conscious choice to stay away from the negative vibrations in life.

Strong People Always Have Their Life In Order
Strong people always have their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, They still manage to say "I am Okay", With a Smile.
In various seasons of our lives we have to learn how to push through life's pitfalls to get to where we truly desire to be. Letting life make you unhappy, letting a bad day make you frown, and letting people's negative opinions of you affect you, will not lead to many victories in your life.
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When You Love What You Have You Have Everything You Need
When you love what you have you have everything you need.
If you are ever going to be great you have to believe in the fact that where you are presently is already a blessing. Many people don't have much and desire to have more, but the greatest people around all know that growing and moving forward requires the use of the resources that they have in the present to get there.
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Stay Away From Negative People
Don't let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise then rent and kick them out! -Robert Tew
Many of us have been in situations where we pulled in a direction to where we don't want to be. Some of us have been abused, mistreated, told that we weren't good enough, and were pressured into being someone that we are not. Until we eventually (hopefully) reach a breaking point, at where we realize that we are so far away from the person that we used to be or wanted to be that we know it may be impossible to get ourselves back.
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Surround Yourself With People Who Are Going To Lift You Higher
Surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher.
Why do waste our time with those who can't see past the horizon. A lot of times when we only strictly deal with people that are comfortable in life where they are, we tend to get complacent ourselves. Just as misery loves company, so does complacency. When we are able to have big dreams and go for them, it takes a lot of heart from ourselves, and it also takes a lot of support, encouragement, and understanding from those who are in our circles.
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Do Not Let Pain Make You Hate
Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.
We all have experienced things in life that have given us a sort of thick skin, or as some may say pain that has caused up to "put up a guard". Protecting ourselves is just part of our human nature, naturally no one wants to be hurt, and when we realize the things that hurt us we tend to stay away from them, or if we do go around the things that have made us hurt before, we go around them skeptically, sometimes with the intent to cause those things the pain that they may have caused us.
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Don't Wait Until It's Too Late
One day you're going to wake up and realize what you missed and it's going to be too late.
Having regrets? To be honest we all regret, whether we choose to admit it or not, we all have things and opportunities in our lives we passed on and wonder what would have happened if we chose to take advantage of them, or in some cases even, not take advantage of certain opportunities. With that being said we must learn how to deal with regrets in our lives.
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It's Better To Look Ahead And Prepare
It's better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.
Looking ahead is one of the most difficult concepts for humans to grasp as we advance in this journey that we call life. Little do we realize that when we look back, we slow ourselves down from progressing forward.
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You Are Good Enough
You are good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, strong enough. Believe it and stop letting insecurity run your life.
No matter what feelings have us down at certain points in our lives, and have us feeling as though we aren't made to overcome whatever complications that we are going through we must take time to realize the fact that we are bigger than our problems, despite how small they may make us feel. You are good enough; to overcome those who try to bring you down, because when someone or something is trying to bring you down, remember they are beneath you.
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Everybody Hurts You're Not Alone
Everybody hurts you're not alone.
When we experience times of difficulty and stress sometimes when no one is around to experience our pain with us, and even sometimes when others are there for us we still feel alone. I know that going through pain and grief is a hard thing to do, and it is especially hard to do by yourself. But unless you reach out to those close to you to let them know that you want them close to you in your grief, usually people will back off and let you grieve alone.
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If You Never Chase Your Dreams, You Will Never Catch Them
If you never chase your dreams you will never catch them.
There is only one person who can capture your destiny for you, and that person is you. A lot of us dream, wish for, and desire new growth in our lives, but the few who actually go out to get these things and never stop until they do, are the only people who are truly successful in life.
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May 06
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