Excellence In Anything Increases Your Potential In Everything
To increase your potential in life you have to be willing to learn how to excel in life. Nothing with value comes without a price, and the value in winning is provided by the amount of strength and determination we were able to provide while securing our victory.

In order to reach the highest of heights we have to first be willing to give chase to the things that we love. It is hard to be consistent in preparation if we are preparing for something that dont truly care about. Choose your dreams based off of what is inside of you, and what you are truly passionate about more than anything else.

We must also remember that resting is key. Remaining focused enough to achieve an excellent result will center heavily around our ability to keep our minds clear enough to be the best decision maker as possible.

Take This New Day And Live It To The Fullest
Focus on today. Don't let what took place yesterday stop you from achieving that dream of yours today. Don't sit and wait for tomorrow to come and make everything right. Your choices and work today is all that matters so make it count. Take this new day and live it to the fullest and in happiness because you deserve it.
So many people aren't even living anymore! No one can force you to want anything in your life, and if you are going to be alive you have to make sure you fight everyday in order to do so. Some of us are just body, absent in mind and in spirit. We see and sometimes we feel, but we arent honestly looking to do either or.
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Don't Lose Yourself Holding On To Someone Who Doesn't Care About Losing You
Don't lose yourself in attempt to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you.
Everybody wants to be wanted, and discovering that sometimes we have to let go is very discouraging and heart breaking. As hard as it may be, letting go is at many times what we need to grow. Just as many flowers wont blossom the way that they are supposed to without the proper pruning and care so are our lives. Without the proper release of people who are weighing down our lives, many times our lives wont grow like they are supposed to.
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Sometimes Loneliness Isn't Such A Bad End After All
Sometimes loneliness isn't such a bad end after all, sometimes it brings out the hidden potential in us and make us realize of how far we can go on our own without no ones help.
Though we see many people who arent as socially active as others we may know, we have to understand that just because someone is more of a loner, does not mean that they are necessarily unhappy with their lives.
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Getting Through Bad Days
On particularly rough days when I'm sure I can't possibly endure, I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days so far, is 100% and that's pretty good.
In order to live a life with strong passion we must all be willing to let go of the times in our past that were a bit rough. Though we should always do our best to remember the lessons our lives have taught us, we must be willing to do what is best and what is needed in order to persevere and become successful eventually.
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Love For Today And Love For Tomorrow
Live for today, love for tomorrow, and laugh at all your yesterdays. Never regret the past, always hope for the future, and cherish every moment you have.
To live a life with no regrets a person has to be willing to take life for all that it be, and without expecting to understand or win every battle, but instead to just love life, period. No matter what you do, you will make mistakes, and that is okay. Nobody said that everything would come easily, and not everything that happens in your present will be completely understood.
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The Reason Why We Struggle With Insecurity
The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel. -Steve Furtick
Though a person's life may look rosy in the forefront, and a person may look to you as though they may have everything that you could ever desire, you must realize that every single person has a behind the scenes. Think about it. Do you tell every single person you know every tiny detail of your life at all times? Most of us will answer this question with a no for various reasons.
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A Friend Gives You Total Freedom To Be Yourself
A friend is one who knows who you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still gently allows you to grow.
True friends will always convince you to be yourself. No matter how many times you try to be someone else, and no matter how beneficial a may situation may be a true friend will never take advantage of or mislead a true friend to bend to their own will or preferred method of living.
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The Ultimate Measure Of A Man
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
There will be times in your life that will make you wonder if everything is actually going to be ok. No one knows everything. There are things that we can base our future's off of, and there are guides in life for us to study, to try and best plot out our own paths, but in the end, our plans will not always work the way we thought they would.
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Refuse To Lower Your Standards
Refuse to lower your standards to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs.
One of the biggest misunderstandings that people have when it comes reaching new levels in their lives is the feeling that they must wait for the people around them to raise the bar. Life isn't exactly a team sport. Those who are blessed to have vision will often find themselves alone. Those with vision are able to recognize the ways in life that they have been flawed, and will continue to make life better by reaching higher and higher each day.
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An Experience Is Worth A Thousand Pictures
If a picture is worth a thousand words an experience is worth a thousand pictures.
Many of the lessons that we learn in life are a result of the things that we experience on a daily basis. In life you will see great friendships and sour ones. You will experience love and all of its joys. You will experience the twisted ways of people that rise against you, and hopefully you'll come to understand why you shouldn't be against others who promote the good in mankind.
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May 07
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