Keeping A Hopeful Attitude Is Key To Living A Fulfilled Life
Keeping a hopeful attitude is key to living a fulfilled life with direction, and actually thriving instead of just floating along in life. To remain hopeful one has to be able to believe that even though life seems to be looking grim, that you will not see defeat unless you stop believing that you will be victorious.

Those who see continually see success in their lives, are those who are always willing to show cheer, and are also those who are always willing to remain full of hope.

There are many times in which life will try to wipe that smile off of your face, keep smiling. There are many times that you will feel battered, and beaten down, continue to rise and stand up knowing that through God any situation can be changed, and with a hopeful attitude, those dark days wont seem so dark.

Don't Lose Hope
Don't lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.
If there is one thing in life that you can never lose beside yourself, it is the hope for a better day, because their will always be one. Just as there are bad times; there will come good times as well. And even though things may seem uncertain in the moment, and even though fear may be trying to cloud your mind, fill your mind with hopeful thoughts, and remember to keep stepping out on faith as well.
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Once You Choose Hope, Anything's Possible
Once you choose hope, anythings possible.
Do you feel broken, unwanted, lonely, fearful, depressed, in pain, unhappy, full of despair? We all reach crossroads in our lives, and we can either allow for things to continue to worsen by thinking negatively, or we can be hopeful and positive and walk in the path of this hope and positivity to bring about positive change in our own lives. As the late Christopher Reeve said "Once you choose hope, anything's possible."
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You Are A Miracle
If you don't believe in miracles, perhaps you've forgotten you are one.
We are all a miracle! Just being born into this earth, the way we are, with no one on this Earth being exactly the same that we are is a miracle in itself. If we refuse to look at the miracles that happen in our lives that we have grown accustomed to, we will then lose faith and sight of the bigger miracles God will provide us with when we need them.
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Faith Is Bigger Than Fear
Faith is bigger than fear.
In order to get what you really desire out of life, you have to be willing to have faith. If you don't believe it, you won't achieve it, and if you do believe it, you will. Believing that you will actually see the victory that you set out for, is hard to do when you are actually faced with adversity, but we have to remember that without adversity God cannot help our faith to grow.
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Making Things Happen
Hope is wishing something would happen. Faith is believing something will happen. Courage is making something happen.
Having hope faith and courage are all apart of living the best life that we may be able to live. There are many times in life in which we are tested. We can either choose to be courageous and confident, or we may choose to let whatever may be in our overcome us because of the lack of faith, and hope that we have in ourselves, and God working through us.
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Whats Meant to Be Will Always Find a Way
What's meant to be will always find a way.
In life sometimes we must find the strength to solely rely on hope. We have to give situations our all and then be able to put the rest in fate and in God's hands. Sometimes no matter what we do, circumstances might not always work out in our favor or exactly how we may have wanted them to. The things that motivate us, as our dreams and goals we have or are aiming for may seem out out of reach no matter how hard we seem to try.
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Learn From Yesterday, Live For Today, Hope For Tomorrow
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Learn from yesterday. Take all your past mistakes, and failures and use them for motivation in order to gain an advantage to succeed on your new ventures. Don't let the fear of committing another mistake or failing again stop you from trying new adventures and new opportunities.
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While There Is Life There Is Hope
P.S. There's hope!
Through the midst of some of the most trying adversity, you have to keep your head up, and your feet moving forward, while thinking to yourself, there is hope. Life may not be treating you the way that you want to be treated, things that you have expected to happen by now may not be happening for you. There may be relationships in your life that haven't developed the way that you wanted them to, or job offers that you expected but haven't received.
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Keep Hope Alive
I still have hope for the road ahead.
Keeping the faith and keeping a hopeful positive attitude is one of the hardest yet most rewarding concepts to understand and to apply into our everyday lives. Through the roughest times in our lives it seems as though all we should and can do is give up. Keeping our heads up to the sky, and keeping a forward resolve, even through times of adversity is essential to making it to where we want to be in life. Remember that the greatest of people are those who overcame some of the greatest challenges that life had to offer.
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There Is Always Hope
There is always hope.
There is always hope. Even in times in which we feel that we will never arise from being down in such a horrible way. There is always hope. When you feel as if you have gone as far as you can go, and all forward progress is halted. There is always hope. When you have tried to get a loved one to see that what they are doing is not only hurting themselves but is hurting everyone around them. There is always hope.
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