Knowing When To Move On
In our lives sometimes we must recognize that like books we all have chapters that we have already read in the past, and we have to be willing to turn the pages so that we may get more understanding of what our lives are really about.

As the great Steve Jobs once said in life you cannot connect the dots in life by looking forward, the only way that you can connect the dots is by looking backwards. So you must be willing to trust in the fact that eventually everything that happens from your present into your future will make sense to you one day, and that if you just follow your heart, you will eventually go the places in life that you are destined to go.

Remember in life that you must work hard and prepare, and you will then be able to go anywhere as long as it is not the past.

Stop Holding On To What Hurts
Stop holding on to what hurts and make room for what feels good.
In our lives we are faced with many circumstances including instances of heartbreak that we may at one point have had control over, but eventually will not. When we are done grieving we have to come to terms with what hurt us so much, forgive if it is needed, and be able to let go.
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Don't Let Yesterday Use Up Too Much Of Today
Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.
Letting yesterday use up too much of today is one of man's biggest hurdles to overcome. When we live a life full of looking back in the past, we may easily overlook things we should have seen if we were focused more intently on looking forward in life.
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Don't Cry Because Of One Person
Don't cry because of one person. Remember, there are still 6,790,062,216 people to smile to.
Never let one person bring your whole world down. Yes it is true that at times people who we thought might never let us down, end up doing so, and sometimes those who we thought will love us and be there for us forever suddenly leave our lives. While it is natural to grieve, never waste too much time dwelling on a past or person that you can't change.
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Let Go When You're Hurting Too Much
So here's a piece of advice: let go when youre hurting too much. Give up when love isn't enough. And move on when things arent like before. And it's certain there's someone out there who will love you even more.
When we deal with the relationships we are willing participants of in our lives, we sometimes continue to hold on to relationships that hurt us way too much, way too often. There is a time for everything, and when love isnt enough to hold a relationship together anymore chances are it might be time to move on.
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Starting Over And Moving On
Maybe it's not always about trying to fix something broken. Maybe it's about starting over and creating something better.
Sometimes our lives are not about giving up, but are more about being able to be strong enough and courageous enough to move on from a situation. There are many instances in which we should all be willing to move on from a situation that is broken, and there will always be similar instances as these that we will continue to encounter throughout our lifetimes. We must learn and cope with the fact that sometimes some things in our lives just can't be fixed.
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Look Back, Remember, Smile, Then Move On
Look back, remember, smile, then move on.
Never forget where you came from. If we forget where we came from and what made us who we are now, then we will have no foundation to stand up on, and we will eventually crumble. Whether you love your past or completely loathe it, you must know that you will never be able to completely put your past behind you, sooner or later it will creep back into your thoughts, like it or not. So, make the best of it.
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When To Move On
How many times do you need to get hurt for you to know its time to let go.
When we let someone in our lives over and over again, and continue to let them hurt us, and abuse us, we are saying to them that they matter more to us than our self-respect and our dignity, and that if they continue with these types of behaviors that we will continue to let them in our lives. In order to take a stand for ourselves we must be willing to part ways with people with whom we know that we have given a significant amount of chances to.
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Letting Go Of A Relationship
The scars of your love, remind me of us, they keep me thinking that we almost had it all.
Should have had it all? Sometimes we look back at relationships that scarred us in regret and think that because they didn't end the way we may have wanted them to end that there may have been something left to discover in them. Instead of moving on we find ourselves thinking about what could have been instead of what already is. Sometimes it is important for us to just let things go.
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Getting Over Heartbreak
Eventually, you stop caring. Eventually it stops being the most important thing in your life.
When we are dealing with heartbreak, whether it be the heartbreak of leaving a relationship, or the heartbreak of having to move away from our friends and family all that we can think of right then in those moments is how much it hurts, and how much you wish that the change that is taking place, did not and will not take place at all. It is important for you to realize that this time in your life will be a hard one. You will miss it, because right now it is one of the most important things in your life, but eventually the feelings will subside, and you will have memories to hold onto when you want to remember this point in your life.
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Letting Go Of Someone You Love
Part of me will always love you. But it's okay, because I let you go a long time ago. I hope you'll have a great life. I know I will.
Not everyone has experienced losing the one that they thought they would be with forever but a lot of us have. It is very true that when you once love someone so much it is pretty much impossible to just let that person go completely from your heart. In order to do so, it is best that you completely cut this person off. Once you have talked to this person and come to a mutual agreement that you shouldn't see each other anymore, make it a point never to "see" this person again.
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May 05
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