Rising Above Your Circumstances
Rising above your circumstances takes heart, and takes a willingness to be able to look past where you have been to understand why youre at where you are at in the present. There are a lot of people going through difficult circumstances right now and and they have to learn to trust who they are on the inside to escape the troubles and circumstances that seem to bury them in the present moment.

You have to be stronger than what surrounds you externally by being the best person you can be internally. You will fail in certain instances, and in some situations you may figuratively feel like your life is burning up in flames. Will yourself to continue the fight. Only then will you be able to survive the flames, and patch up the wounds delivered by the blows of life.

You will rise again if you just believe that you can do so. Life will continue to change, but if you constantly remember that you are more than your circumstances, and that one day you will get to where you need to be, eventually these aspirations will become your reality.

Letting Go Of Sadness
Being sad with the right people is better than being happy with the wrong ones.
Triumph over the thoughts that make you fearful and sad by choosing to think positively in the midst of your storm. Though you may be going through a rough time now, you have to know and believe in your heart that things will get better, for storms dont go on forever.
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Distance Yourself From The People Who Let You Down
Its time to distance yourself from the people who let you down, the inconsistent ones. its time to start loving yourself.
Placing distance between friends that you know arent for you is a difficult step to take in life, but it is something that must be done if you want to see and maintain success.
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Life Goes On
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
Letting go and moving on are key principles to learning how to navigate life effectively. When we realize exactly when to let go of the negative things in our pasts, we develop a sense of wisdom that we didnt have before.
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Look For The Good In Every Situation
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while were here, we should dance.
Life is full of the unexpected, especially when you are willing to celebrate it through the good times, and the bad times.
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If You Really Want To Do Something You'll Find A Way
If you really want to do something you'll find a way. If you don't you'll find an excuse.
Those who see great success in life refuse to make excuses and refuse to give people who only give excuses a majority of their time. The difference between a person who is susceptible to failure and a person who is more apt to see success is clear, one allows excuses in their life while the other refuses to do so.
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You Are What You Choose To Become
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.
Living with the pain and fear of the past is not simple. We all have different sets of experiences and getting past emotional pain can be very difficult according to what we went through.
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Choose To Be Optimistic, It Feels Better
Choose to be optimistic, it feels better.
To live a life full of forward action we have to look at life through a positive lens.
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Live Life Without Regret
A life without regret
Do you live each day so that you dont regret a thing at night? This is something that not many of us are able to do, and often times this is because we are fearful of taking risks.
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Time Flies But You're The Pilot
The bad news is time flies. The good news is youre the pilot.
The true reality of life is that we are all granted time to do more than just exist, we have the ability to leave a great impression upon the world if we so choose to try. The sad part of this reality is that not everyone is willing to take advantage of the time that they have to spend while they are here.
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Stop Talking About It And Live It
Life is too short to waste time waiting for other people's approval on how you live it.
Stop talking about it and live it. Making life yours means that you have to take action every day.
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Apr 27
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