You Can Be Perfectly Happy Just On Your Own
Whether or not we choose to believe it, we can be very happy and easily share the happiness we feel with others, but this happiness we share, has to come from inside of ourselves. Having someone there to comfort you, and be with you at all times so that you will never be lonely may help us to feel great, but in actuality doing so is unhelpful in allowing us to grow and obtain a real sense of happiness period.

If we ever want to be truly happy we must become conscious of the fact that we determine our happiness and not anyone else. Being happy on your own means that you develop a confidence within yourself that only you understand, it is nice to be accepted socially, but we should never rely upon this acceptance to gauge how happy we are or happy we aren't. Do what intrigues you, do what you love, and you should have no problem finding your own sense of happiness without depending on someone else.

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others
How to be happy: Stop comparing yourself to others
One key to obtaining and maintaining happiness in our lives is to stay away from comparing ourselves to others. We have our own unique soul, and if we ever want to achieve greatness and our own success, we have to be willing to go for the things we really want out of life, and not do things just because we are in a race with someone else.
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Five Simple Rules For Happiness
Five simple rules for happiness: 1. Free your heart from hatred. 2. Free your mind from worries. 3. Live simply. 4. Give more. 5. Expect less.
There are many things a person must do to embrace true happiness in their lives but many times these five rules play a huge role in a person's journey towards this. If we ever want to be truly happy, we have to learn how to let go of the hate we have in our hearts. Often times many of us are held back from being as completely happy as we ought to, because of the disdain we have for someone else, or even who we used to be.
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There Is No Key To Happiness, The Door Is Always Open
There is no key to happiness, the door is always open.
Many of us throughout the world are on our own journey's toward peace, fulfillment, and most of all happiness, even though we know that engaging on this journey is a commitment for the rest of our lifetime. On this road to happiness and fulfillment a person must be able to realize and accept a variety of things. One of these things is that a person must realize who they are, and that true happiness will only be achieved if they are willing to be themselves and not who others may want them to be.
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Don't Recycle The Past
Don't recycle the past.
Trying to recycle the past is like trying to save a totally black, half a year old banana, an almost impossible and worthless feat if accomplished at all. Instead of trying to recycle the past we should mainly be focused on living the best life that we can today progressing towards the dreams that we desire to fulfill ourselves in the future.
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Never Take Happiness For Granted
Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once, how big and precious it is.
Being happy in the present is sometimes hard to see when we actually have it, and sometimes leads us to take it for granted. In our worst times, just the thought of being happy in these moments is a feeling that we sometimes wonder if we will ever feel again. In order to avoid taking for granted being happy we must take being happy seriously.
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When One Door Of Happiness Closes, Another Opens
When one door of happiness closes, another opens. But often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
Do not continue to stare at the doors in your life that are closed, because when you do so you will miss many open doors that can take you to bigger and better places, places that you never imagined you would go in your wildest dreams.
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Every Minute You're Angry You Lose 60 Seconds Of Happiness
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
Living life full of anger doesn't do anything for us but waste our own time and energy that could be much better spent if focused on something else more productive. Sometimes it is very hard to escape the fact that we are angry, and that we want things a certain way, and that we wished we would have made better decisions in our pasts.
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Life Is Full Of Challenges, Being Happy Shouldn't Be One Of Them
Life is full of challenges. Being happy shouldn't be one of them.
In our lives we face so much difficulty, especially when we try to grab life by the horns on a daily basis in our best effort to seize every day and to go after our dreams. One principle that we must absorb while we experience life is that our happiness has a lot to do with the type of attitude that we are willing to live with. If we choose to look at life negatively and only see the darkness in life we will miss out on the beautiful stars that shine brightly in the sky.
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Valentine's Day Is The Opportunity To Show Appreciation
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.
Valentine's Day isn't just for couples, nor is it just about the gifts, fancy dinners or dozens of roses. Valentine's Day is the opportunity to let your friends and family know how much they mean to you. The idea of Valentine's Day is to remind us that we're all capable of expressing our love to someone.
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Choose To Be Happy
If you are trapped between your feelings and what other people think is right, always go for whatever makes you happy, unless you want everybody to be happy except you.
Being happy is ultimately a decision we must all make in our lifetime. Letting ourselves be confused by what other people want for us to do with our lives, and living out what we know is right in our heart is something that we can't allow. In fact, it is probably most beneficial if we at least create some distance between the people and ourselves in our lives that don't support our dreams.
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