Distance Means So Little When Someone Means So Much
Everyone is different, and though sometimes people are able to make it through extended periods of time without seeing each other, doesn't mean that all couples will last. When both parties in a relationship remain committed to long distance relationships equally with fire, the relationships usually tend to last, at least much longer than most long distance relationships seem to.

Couples in long distance relationships must make clear what they expect from the other party, and hold each other accountable to these expectations. Also, both parties have to be willing to express their emotions in a non-draining fashion, in order to continue to build upon the relationship. If a relationship isnt a relationship that is growing, then it is more than likely dying a little bit at a time.

If both parties simply remain dedicated to growth, the relationship will not only be sustained, but it will also be better than ever when both parties are reunited again.

Letting Go Of Someone Special Is Hard
Letting go of someone special is hard but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder.
Sometimes in our waking lives we are confronted with the decision of either making the best out of a relationship by hoping that the person that we want to really care for us, starts to really care for us, even though making someone love you after a while isn't always the easiest thing to do.
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The Best Feeling Is Knowing You Actually Mean Something To Somebody
The best feeling in the world is knowing you actually mean something to somebody.
As the quote says it feels good to be loved and for someone to show you how much that you mean to them on a regular basis. When you are special to someone you should feel that you are special to him or her. We should all be treated as the kings and queens that we are by those that we love. When somebody that we love is willing to show us how much they love us by even just doing the simple things such as drawing our baths, or giving us flowers, or taking us out to eat, we feel like we are appreciated.
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I'd Rather Be The Pain You Remember, Than The Love You Forget
I'd rather be the pain that you remember, rather than the love that you forget.
Refusing to be in a place with someone that you don't necessarily want to be with them in life can lead to hurting someone worse later on by doing the things that one is actually interested in doing, and being with the people that one is actually interested in being with. Remember that being the pain that someone remembers may not always work out best for you, and sometimes it is better for a couple to go their separate ways while they are still able to if they know in their hearts their isnt to be much of a future involved.
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Sometimes We Are Put Into A Person's Life To Help Build Them Up
Sometimes we come into a person's life not to make them love us but to let them feel that they're so much worth loving for.
Sometimes we are just put into a person's life to help build them up! In fact when we decide to enter into a persons life this should be our only motive! Why enter into somebody's life for any other reason? Too many of us have been beat down by life, and we just need someone to help us get back up on our feet so that we can continue to move forward again. If this makes a person love you because they get the opportunity to see how awesome of a person you are, then that is wonderful, but don't make that your number one motive.
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Missing Someone You Love Dearly
Some nights, I can't sleep because my mind is consumed with the thought of how much easier it would be if you were by my side.
We all have gone through life missing someone that we love dearly. For some, the person that they love dearly will still be by their side one day if they continue to hope, and for others, the person that we love dearly will never be in our lives again.
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Love Your Parents And Treat Them With Loving Care
Love your parents and treat them with loving care, for you will only know their value when you see their empty chair.
Though we all have a variety in what figures played maternal and paternal roles in our lives, we must put an emphasis on showing the love we have for our parents, consistently, for as long as they live. Show them love by giving them the gift of you! Spend quality time with them, listen to the same old stories over and over again, eat with them, clean for them, and make sure that you tell them, and show them in ways best suited for your own relationships, how much you appreciate and love them.
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Nobody Is Perfect Until You Fall In Love With Them
Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them.
Think about how many people in your life now, that it took a while to really get acquainted to and love. We may not have many people like this in our lives, and we may have a lot of people like this in our lives, depending on who we are. The fact is simple, these special people are all almost perfect to us. Which also points to the fact that finding love isn't about finding someone who fits a unique list that you feel will qualify a person to fall in love with, but instead, finding love is about being able to love someone perfectly despite however many imperfections they have in life, and despite how many preferences that you always thought you needed to qualify a person as your mate.
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Sometimes We Are Only Given A Few Minutes To Spend With The One We Love
Sometimes, we are only given a few minutes to be with the one we love, and a thousand hours to spend thinking of them.
We may never really know why things are happening the way they do, and why we aren't given the time we wish we had with the people we love. Sometimes we are only given a limited amount of time to be with the one we love, and are left to spend what seems like an eternity thinking about them.
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Don't Let Your Smile Collapse For Silly Reasons
Don't let your smile collapse for silly reasons.
Why do we let the silliest things get to us? For instance, for many of us going around a family member or more will get us agitated, and in a benign mood if we allow it. And for some reason, we go into a situation, take the barrage of bullets and feelings, and leave tattered and emotional from what seemed to be a preventable situation.
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The Best Kinds Of Relationships Begin Unexpectedly
The best kinds of relationships begin unexpectedly. When you get the astonished feeling & everything happens so suddenly. That's why you don't look for love. It comes to you just at the right time; the time you never thought it would have.
The best kinds of relationships are the relationships that happen because they are unforced. Unforced relationships can be some of the best relationships because they come at the right time, even when we don't realize it.
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May 13
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