Focus On The Journey, Not The Destination
Real joy comes from not only achieving great things, but also by experiencing the journey to our achievements. Without any journey, without any hardship and without having to overcome adversity, a trophy means nothing.

To feel like you have really earned something you have to be willing to focus on daily growth as each day comes. Many of us are given a set number of expectations from authoritative figures in life and never really get to choose too many things that happen in our environments. Because of this it seems as though when we mature and grow up we no longer have a journey to focus on, and instead look to make goals, instead of look to get better each day on the way to these goals.

If we are ever to achieve real joy and fulfillment we have to let go of the idea that all that matters is where we get to in the end, because what actually matters most is if we are able to learn from our journey along the way.

Focus On The People Who Miss You
Ignore the people who diss you and focus on the people who miss you.
The more we focus less on what others think about us, the easier we will find peace within ourselves. As people we all seek the approval of others, and at different points in our lives it is this approval that often presumably drives our direction in life. Though this is often productive on the surface, more often than not, we end up places in life that we know we shouldn't really be. How can we ever expect to be happy if we know that deep down we aren't even on course to fulfilling our dreams?
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After Victory, You Have More Enemies
On the road to success; there's a curve called failure, a loop called confusion, speed bumps called friends & red lights called enemies.
For some reason when we grow up, it seems as if society teaches us that if we win, everyone will love us, and that we will receive kind attention and recognition for all of our accomplishments, but when it comes to human relations and emotions, the reality is that we will often seem to have more enemies.
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Experience Is The Best Teacher
No matter who tries to teach you lessons about life, you won't understand it until you have to go through it on your own.
They say that experience is the best teacher. In order to live a successful life you have to be willing to experience every facet of it. Those who are truly successful more often than not have seen some kind of big failure in their lives. Those who continue to strive for more are often pushed by the experiences of the past that they never want to go through again.
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If You Find It In Your Heart To Care For Somebody Else, You Have Succeeded
If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded. Maya Angelou
One of the most meaningful things we can do in our lives is to be helpful to others. The legacy we leave behind when we are gone, won't be of our dashing good looks, what job we did great in, or how much money we made. We will be remembered for the things we did to people, and how we made people feel.
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Don't Be So Quick To Point Out The Flaws In Other People's Lives
Don't be so quick to point out the flaws in other people's lives when you are not willing to look at the flaws in your own.
It is much easier to sit around and point out the flaws in someone else than it is to point out our own. Instead of giving everyone else the misery we feel inside, we have to instead examine our feelings and give an effort to fixing these feelings.
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There Comes A Point In Your Life When You Realize Who Really Matters
There comes a point in your life, when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will.
As we grow and mature in life, we come to realize that there is a point in our lives that we have to be willing to simply let some people go. Not everyone is in your life for your benefit. Sometimes people only seek to control you, and will use any type of manipulation in an effort to do so. Some will try and judge you and condemn you, some will try to make you feel as if you are no good without their help, and some are only in to reap some sort of benefit from your life when you do start to accomplish great things.
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Don't Worry Just Breath, If It's Meant To Be It Will Find A Way
Don't worry, just breathe. If it's meant to be, it will find a way.
Take your time to breath. Relationships are not always easy things to go through, especially relationships that are paused with no conclusion or continuation in sight. Instead of worrying about things that you may not be exactly ready or able to change at the moment, take some time out to work on yourself.
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A Day Without Laughter Is A Day Wasted
A day without laughter is a day wasted. Charlie Chaplin
Laughter is one of the best nutrients a person can get in a day. Not only is laughter therapeutic for the soul, it is also helpful in building rapport with others, strengthening relationships, and it is helpful in bringing down our own personal stress levels.
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Appreciate What You Have, Before It Turns Into What You Had
Appreciate what you have, before it turns into what you had.
When we are able to appreciate the small things in life, only then are we able to have and understand the much larger things, and really grasp why they are so meaningful. So many times in our lives the things that we accomplish aren't all our own doing, and so many times they are. We have to be appreciative for the help that we have gotten, and care for the people who cared for us when we weren't able to care for ourselves.
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There Is A Purpose For Every Person You Meet
In life you'll realize that there is a purpose for every person you meet. Some are there to test you, some will use you, some will teach you, and some will bring out the best in you.
One of the most valuable principles a person may ever learn in their lifetime is that every person that is in their life, is in their life for a reason. Some people are in your life to be your genuine friend, and to just help you become the best you that they may possibly help you to become. Some people are in your life to test you, to show you that things may not always be what you think they may seem.
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Apr 26
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