The People We Give Our Love Too Will Always Be Apart Of Us
One reason that we should always be careful who we love is because of the fact that everyone that we give a part of ourselves too is a person that we ultimately take a part of and fill our own spirit with as well. Whether or not the relationship we have with the people that we truly love is able to work out or not, the people that we give our love too will always be a part of us.

Sometimes falling in love happens way too fast and we have no control over the feelings that we may incur for a person way before we are able to clearly think things out. Love, when done right, is one of the grandest gifts that a person can share with another person. Yet when love fails, it can bring out the worst in emotions and the worst in pain that a person may ever endure. So be sure to guard your heart until it tells you that the time is right to let go, and when it does, love hard!

Mastering The Art Of True Love
Love is when you fight to be with your special someone even when everything and everybody is pulling you apart.
When we love someone it isn't always easy to see, but we have to be willing to fight hard for it. Love is something that many people are so cynical about, because they often don't understand the importance of being as willful as you can in a relationship. Love is something that you fight for, something that you act courageously for, and something that you will risk it all for.
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A Real Man Never Stops Showing How Much He Cares
Real men never stop trying to show a girl how much she means to him, even after he's got her.
In love, we must make a conservative effort to show the person that we claim we love that we actually love them. Love is way more than telling someone "I love you" and is actually one of the hardest jobs to maintain. Although love may get difficult to keep up with at times, when a person is really in love, it isn't hard for them to show and express the way they may feel at any given time.
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Find Someone Worth Your Heart
Find someone worth your tears, worth your laughter, worth your heart and that loves you as much as you love them.
There isnt often much you can blame on falling in love besides love itself. Falling in love is a beautiful thing, because when you fall in love everything seems much clearer. The sky seems a tad bit bluer, the sun will seem a tad bit brighter, love songs will be so much better understood, and the feelings traveling from the soles of your feet to the top of your head will make you feel like a million bucks.
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In Order For Us To Love Each Other, We Have To Be Able To Evolve
Man must evolve for all human conflict a method, which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love. -Martin Luther King Jr
In order for us to love each other, we have to be able to evolve. We must be willing to throw away the selfish ambition we have instinctually sometimes, and learn how to think in order to not only better our own lives, but in order to better the lives of everyone around us as well.
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When Someone Is Loving You The Most
It is when you can't see how much someone loves you that they are loving you the most. -Linda Poindexter
A lot of times when people love us, we don't notice because we only seem to notice all of the other crazy/weird things that they are doing.
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There Is Always Someone Out There To Love Us
The Love of God is like the ocean, you can see its beginnings, but you cannot imagine its width and depth. God loves you immensely in a way you can never imagine.
One reality that we must all come to accept in life, even in times that we feel completely alone is that there is always someone out there to love us. We will always have the unconditional love of God whether we accept it or not, and there is usually always going to be love in our lives from our peers and families as well, as long as we are willing to accept that just because some may love us in a certain way, maybe a way that leaves us desiring more, but still love us in their own way.
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Never Ignore A Person Who Loves You
Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. Because one day, you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.
When somebody is able to open up our hearts we should probably consider them as a very integral part of us, and we should definitely never take these people for granted. It is only so often that a person can just come into your life and just make you feel things in your heart that you never even knew that you had.
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The Power Of Love
When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. -Jimi Hendrix
Peace is the only way to live a full life. Instead of trying to live life correcting everyone with laws and our beliefs, it is best to show people how to love and how to live peacefully. Not everyone is conditioned to be peaceful. Many are taught from a young age to seek money, and to seek power, instead of being taught to seek out what they love, in order to truly be able to help change the world by showing the world their art.
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Live With Love, And It Brings Out The Best In You
Live with love, and it brings out the best in you. Think, speak and act from a perspective of real, authentic love, and the result is genuine and growing fulfillment. - Ralph Marston
A person who loves will be in peace and perfect harmony with just about everything that they encounter. When a person is really able to love they will not only love, but they will be a light to everyone that they encounter. When a person is really able to love, they will not only love, but they will live within love. Living within love brings a peace and joy that no one can really break but their own mind and beliefs.
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Love People As Much As God Has Loved You
Love people not only as you wish to be loved, but love people as much as God has loved you.
The greatest law above all is the law of Love. True enough, there are many aspects in our lives that we have to be willing to deal with, but there is nothing that we should abide more in our lives than the real, true, flawless, law of the land, Love.
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