Every Ending Is A New Beginning
If you don't ever remember anything else in your life, remember this, NEVER GIVE UP. Life is what you make it, and even though circumstances may cause you to believe that an end is near, one must believe and keep a positive mindset knowing that a new beginning is actually taking place. When one door is closing in your life, one must believe that God is closing this door in order to open up more doors for him or her in the future.

Though it may seem as though you are down on your luck, and as if life is throwing too challenging of circumstances at you, you must be willing to go toe to toe with them until something happens. Never give up, there are no endings, there are only new beginnings, the only thing in life that can stop you is yourself. Remember to keep your head held high, and to never allow the hope you have inside of you to die.

Let Go Of Your Insecurities
Let go of your insecurities. Let go of your pain. You are limitless. Nothing is holding you back. You are perfect. You are infinite. Smile. Love. Laugh. Don't forget to live.
When we are insecure about situations, in actuality we are holding on to some experience(s) that caused us tremendous anguish earlier in our lives to the point of where we don't want to allow a situation or relationship of similar magnitude to take place again. In order to get past our insecurities we must first get rid of the mindset of living in our past.
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Believing in Yourself
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.
For one to believe in their self with everything that is inside of them requires a person to first know who they are, and to really embrace the notion that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. We all have a spirit inside of use that is greater than any obstacle that is able to stand in our way. Many choose to let the barriers and the burdens that life presents them with impede their progress towards realizing their dreams and achieving their goals.
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Not Caring What People Think
One of the greatest mental freedoms is truly not caring what anyone else thinks of you.
Being free, being truly free consists of not being bound by the opinions that others choose to display in regards to the decisions that one chooses to make on a daily weekly, or lifetime basis. In order to be free we have to be willing to think for ourselves, learn for our selves, and to live our lives as our real true selves. Being free is when you are able to stand up and speak in public spewing your beliefs not caring what anyone else will think of them.
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Be Kind To Yourself
Next time you think of beautiful things, don't forget to count yourself in.
Too many times in life many of us get caught up in showing love, and being kind to others, that we sometimes forget to show love and to be kind to our own selves. One thing that would help us all greatly is believing in ourselves. Not only are we beautiful individualized creatures of God, we are all so unique from one another, we all have different values and qualities that we emphasize more than others that make us exactly who we are.
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Happiness Can Be Found Even In The Darkest Of Times
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of time, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
If we give it some thought we may notice that a single speck of light can make the darkest of places a well lit environment in less than a second. This is a great example of what happiness is to dark times that we may be experiencing in our lives.
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Worry About Your Character Not Your Reputation
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are.
Sometimes we get too caught up in what people think about us and forget to worry about what really matters in life, like the people who love us for who we really are, and who we really are deep down inside of our hearts. In order to not worry about our reputations, we have to live our own lives, being confident in the goals we have set for ourselves, and also being confident in the fact that though not everyone may like us, and though not everyone will believe in what exactly we are doing.
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Learning From The Past
Ah yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.
Bad experiences were never designed to make you not feel a little bit of pain when you think about them. We are given the choice to either run from the past we once lived through, or we can learn from the past we once lived through. When we choose to run from our past, we are making a conscious choice to try and avoid problems that we will have to keep facing over and over again, choices that we have no option but to face one day, and choices that we will never get past until we choose to stop running.
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Be You, Find You, Be Happy With That
Be you. Find you. Be happy with that.
A couple of things in this lifetime that many of us never find before our lives end are our real true selves. Not being able to find one's self, will limit a person in so many ways, mainly because they never get to live life as their self, but also because they can never really live up to their truest potential because they aren't living as whom they really are.
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People Were Created To Be Loved
People were created to be loved, things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved, and people are being used.
A major life lesson that takes many people a whole lifetime to learn is that though material things are nice, the passion felt for material things and material wealth will never equate to how special loving someone and being loved by someone can make you feel. Someone who tries to fill a void in their heart by accruing more and more material items will never be as satisfied as someone who is willing to try to fill a void in their heart with loving others and being loved genuinely by others. Things like wisdom and knowledge are entities in the same as love, non-material wealth.
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We Don't Realize What We Have Until It's Gone
Too often we don't realize what we have until its gone. Too often we're too stubborn to say sorry I was wrong. Too often it seems we hurt the ones closest to our hearts, and we let the most foolish things tear us apart.
Pride is one of the biggest reasons that some of the greatest people that the world has never seen remain just that, some of the greatest people that the world has never seen. Being in pride can easily limit a person's potential, and stops bad people from being good, and good people from being great. Never be too big to admit when you are, and moreover never be scared to admit when you are sorry.
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Apr 26
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