Go The Extra Mile It's Never Crowded
Going the extra mile will take you much further in life than you potentially thought you might have been able to go. One principle in life that is simple to understand once we are willing to do it on a habitual basis is that working hard will always pay off. Never think that the extra work you are doing that nobody seems to notice in the moment won't pay off, because if you continue to operate with this attitude and mindset, it always will.

Nothing can stop your shine if you don't allow it to. So go the extra mile today. Be that first person in the office making coffee, and that last person in the office that tells the Janitorial Staff that you will be locking up the building. Be that athlete that is there before everyone else is at practice, and that stays after to work on your individual skills you noticed may have not been up to par in practice. Be the best that you can in everything that you do, go the extra mile!

You Are What You Think
Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your characters. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. You are what you think.
Life is what you make of it, and if you aren't willing to make it what you want it to be, it won't be much of anything. Though it is very hard to make your life a living paradise, it is something that you can expect, if you know in your heart that you are willing to work hard for that goal.
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It's Time To Work A Little Harder
It's time to work a little harder.
Though a small minority can't really say this about themselves, there is a huge population of people, including myself, who can say this about their work ethic in their own lives. In the lives of many, things like procrastination and laziness do play at least a small part in preventing people from achieving the goals and dreams that we feel are meant for us in our hearts.
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Believe In Yourself Even When No One Else Does
Believe in yourself even when no one else does. If someone tells you that you can't do it, prove them wrong.
Ambition is a great trait to have and is a trait that we may all acquire if we are just willing to work hard towards becoming it. Ambition is a priceless trait, it is grown and cultured in each and every individual that it lies in, and in some it grows much bigger than it might in others.
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You Are Exactly Where You Are Supposed To Be
You are exactly where you are supposed to be.
Nobody is where they want to be when they first begin. As we go through our lives and as we really start to initiate our real lives, a life filled with making moves towards becoming a success and maintaining levels of happiness, we soon realize that getting to our dreams is a step by step process.
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It's About Progress Not Perfection
It's about progress not perfection.
Remember in life that though many of us attempt to be perfect, there is no way that we ever will or can be so. Instead of aiming for perfection, aim for continual progress. Remember that the pain you are experiencing now is only for a short while, don't choose to suffer from it, rather, choose to overcome it.
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Overcoming The Things You Once Thought You Couldn't
Strength doesn't come from what you can do it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't.
Real strength doesn't lie in the man that can run the fastest, real strength lies in the man that can run the fastest for the longest amount of time.
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You Control Your Own Happiness
Happiness is a choice, yeah, things in life make it difficult, but at the end of the day you control your own happiness.
Happiness isn't a place in time, happiness is a state of mind. Don't let your bubble of happiness be burst because of anything that occurs in your life. Rather than making happiness your aim in life, make being happy your aim in life. Do things that you know are a part of you, and that help to show to the world who you really are.
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Never Ask For Lighter Rain, Instead Pray For A Better Umbrella
Heavy rain showers remind me of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain. Instead pray for a better umbrella.
When it rains, it pours, and sometimes life is full of thunderstorms and high winds. It is in these high stress situations that we are truly tested on our character. Think about it, if you never had enormous tests placed before you, how would you ever gauge how good you are already, and how far you need to go or grow to make it to your dreams. Take every facet of life for what it truly is at its core.
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Life Life and Regret Nothing
Take chances. Tell the truth. Date someone totally wrong for you. Say no. Spend all your cash. Get to know someone random. Be random. Say I love you. Sing out loud. Laugh at stupid jokes. Cry. Apologize. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Tell a jerk what you think. Laugh till your stomach hurts. Live life. Regret nothing.
You are only given on life to live, but if you are able to live your life, being yourself and doing the things in life that you really know are from your heart, then living one time is all that you will need when it is all said and done. As each minute passes by we must take notice of the fact that our lives are moving closer and closer to being over. So place things in the proper aspect in relation to time moving so fast.
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Do What You Must, Just Never Give Up
Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.
Never giving up is a mindset that we must all lean on as we live our lives everyday. Some people choose to use never giving up generically, and refuse to implement one of the biggest facets of the principle, being yourself. We have to make a huge effort everyday to not only push as hard as we possibly can, but while pushing we must remember to only push in the direction that will take us the places we truly want to be in our own minds and hearts.
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May 14
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