It's Better To Look Ahead And Prepare
Looking ahead is one of the most difficult concepts for humans to grasp as we advance in this journey that we call life. Little do we realize that when we look back, we slow ourselves down from progressing forward.

Try something for me. Try standing up, and looking ahead for about two seconds. Now quickly turn your head backwards, and without turning it forward whatsoever, try taking ten steps forward. In most likelihood you were obstructed by something in your path that you weren't able to see to go around because you werent looking forward, right? Now apply this exercise to your everyday life. Sure we have memories of the past, and sometimes it is hard to move on from the good times we had, but remember that looking backwards all the time while trying to move forward will only stop you from maneuvering the challenges in your life correctly.


You Are Good Enough
You are good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, strong enough. Believe it and stop letting insecurity run your life.
No matter what feelings have us down at certain points in our lives, and have us feeling as though we aren't made to overcome whatever complications that we are going through we must take time to realize the fact that we are bigger than our problems, despite how small they may make us feel. You are good enough; to overcome those who try to bring you down, because when someone or something is trying to bring you down, remember they are beneath you.
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Don't Allow Others To Control The Direction Of Your Life
When you are writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.
Take a look at your life today and ask yourself, who is holding the pen to the life story that you are creating on a daily basis. Is it your friends, your husband or wife, your kids, your parents? It is important to ask yourself this because the person that should be writing your life story is you. In ten years you don't want to regret not taking life by the horns, and just sitting on the sidelines because of your circumstances.
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If You Never Chase Your Dreams, You Will Never Catch Them
If you never chase your dreams you will never catch them.
There is only one person who can capture your destiny for you, and that person is you. A lot of us dream, wish for, and desire new growth in our lives, but the few who actually go out to get these things and never stop until they do, are the only people who are truly successful in life.
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You Can Go As Far As Your Mind Lets You
Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
Too many of us choose to limit ourselves by not using everything that we have inside of us, to get where we need to go. How many times have you seen someone who you know or knew growing up, that seemed to be less talented, and less resourceful than everyone else, but now that person seems to be one of the most favored people you have ever seen.
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Stop Over Thinking, Stop Worrying, Stop Complaining
Stop over thinking, stop worrying, stop complaining. Life is too short for all of that.
One muscle that we have to learn how to develop to achieve success is the muscle in our psyche that we use to make decisions. Just as we workout to develop the muscles we want and the body shape we desire, exercising the muscles of our brain will give our personal lives the look that we want if we learn how to develop them correctly.
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You're Only A Failure If You Commit To Being One
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.
So many of us run into great adversity in our lives, and refuse to look past the fact that we are only failures if we commit to being one. There is a decision to make in life in almost every moment except when we die.
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Wonderful Fathers Day Quotes and Poems To Share With Dad
Any fool can be a father but it takes a real man to be a dad.
Collection of some great fathers day quotes and poems to share with dad.
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The Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
What do you love to do that challenges you? No I'm not asking you about what it is that you like to do that require you to be mindless like watching television. I'm asking what it is that makes you happy when you do it? What in your life do you not take seriously now that you enjoy doing so much that you dont realize how much time actually goes by when you are doing, and at the same time forces you to be active?
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Do What You Love And You'll Never Work A Day In Your Life
Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.
Are you doing what you really love to do? So many of us get caught up in trying to live our lives in attempts to avoid going through pain, that we limit ourselves so much that we eventually cause ourselves more pain than we tried to avoid.
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Take Control Of Your Life
Take control of your life. Your happiness is in your hands.
Losing your way? We all do, so don't feel convicted or condemned. One simple fact about life is that it is very hard at times. Sometimes we get in situations so undesirable to us, that we feel that we don't even get who we are as a person anymore, and what we really want out of life.
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