People Will Talk About You When They Envy You And The Life You Lead
Dealing with negative people isn't usually pleasant, and many times dealing with negative people turns you into one as well. Sometimes there are situations in life that we will encounter that we think, and that negative people will say, is insurmountable.

Remember that if you want to spend all of your life with people who aren't going anywhere, then all you have to do is to continue to listen to them.

The more that you expose yourself to negative people and negative thinking, the more you allow yourself to turn into a negative unaccomplished person.

Are you willing to decide to stay away from those who will only bring you down? Are you willing to keep your distance from negative ways of thinking so that you may see positive growth?

We all have something inside of us that the world needs to see, but we have to be willing to examine our thinking and create positive out of negative.

Accept No One's Definition Of Your Life; Define Yourself
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself. Harvey Fierstein
Who knows what this world would be like if the people who are or who were supposed to speak out, would have just done so! Who knows how much positive change could have been created if a few people would have, or if they just will decide to speak out.
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What You Plant Now, You Will Harvest Later
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
There are many principles in life that we learn, and one of the most important is the fact that what you put out in the world will be what returns to you. There are so many times that we get caught up in just living and surviving, that we forget that doing our best is always key to receiving an abundant and plentiful harvest in life.
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Give As Much Energy To Your Dreams As You Do To Your Fears
Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears.
When you are willing to step out on things, things will step out towards you. When you are willing to be faithful, only then will you prompt for God to activate his power in your life. When we continue to perceive our lives as too messed up, we will never be able to see far enough to even see a miracle.
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Strong People Don't Put People Down, They Lift Them Up
Strong people don't put people down They lift them up.
One of the biggest qualities of a great leader is being able to establish generation after generation of change. Strong leaders don't have to put people down, because their focus is on lifting people high to continue in patterns of greatness.
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Keeping A Hopeful Attitude Is Key To Living A Fulfilled Life
When the world says "give up." hope whispers, try it one more time.
Those who see continually see success in their lives, are those who are always willing to show cheer, and are also those who are always willing to remain full of hope.
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Let Everyone Know That You're A Lot Stronger Than You Were Yesterday
Smile. Let everyone know that today, you're a lot stronger than you were yesterday.
When we are truly living life the way we know our life was meant to live, we are truly able to smile from a place of peace, and with a spirit of gratitude and thanksgiving. Real genuine smiles comfort, and let people know that despite the pain that we may be feeling in our lives, through it all, nothing is impossible, and nothing can truly stop you from smiling.
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Our Prime Purpose In This Life Is To Help Others
Our prime purpose in this life is to help others, and if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them.
Man wasn't put on this earth alone, and we are to love each other as God loves us, unconditionally. Too many times in this life we get so caught up that we forget what is really important. We aren't blessed with what we have to just have enough for ourselves.
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Don't Regret Yesterday
Don't regret yesterday. It is the perfect compass guiding your journey today.
Never being able to get past your past is one of the heaviest attitudes a person can live with. If you continue to regret yesterday, all of the regret that you allow yourself to wallow in will do nothing but continue to bring you down, to the point that you are no longer above water.
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Settings Goals Is The First Step In Turning The Invisible Into The Visible
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.
For many it is hard enough to finally come up with some goals to master. When you do finally come to a good point of knowing the goals you know in your heart you should accomplish, you then have to think about what you are going to do to get there. If you want to stay on task and reach success, you have to continue to stay motivated.
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Laugh Often And It Will Cleanse Your Mind
Laugh often and it will cleanse your mind. Laugh often at yourself and it will cleanse your heart.
Though we often seem to forget natural remedies to life, one of the best ways to clean our hearts, and purge our thoughts, is to laugh as often as possible. A little known fact about a smile is how much harder it is to frown than smile. When you smile you use less energy and less effort than you do when you frown, and this is symbolic of what happens in everyday life as well.
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May 06
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