Positive Thinking Evokes More Energy, More Initiative, More Happiness
Thinking positive is a way of living that we must commit to in any and every situations. We have all experienced difficulties in overcoming like such as holding on to regret, holding on to the grief of past events, doing things before we are ready, constantly putting ourselves on the back burner and so on. But in order to get past all of these things and things of a similar nature, we absolutely have to keep a positive attitude.

When we allow something to make us react in a negative manner consistently over time, we inherently lose our lives in whatever this thing is over time. Nothing is more therapeutic and nothing allows more growth than being able to forgive yourself and whoever has done you wrong in your life, and moving on entirely from a situation that brought you down at some point. We must make a conscious effort to move away from a way of life that does nothing but bring us down each day, with every decision we make.

Many Things Aren't Equal But Everyone Gets The Same 24 Hours A Day
Many thing aren't equal but everyone gets the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We make time for what we truly want.
Time is one of the most valuable of resources we will have on this Earth. In order to live a successful life we have to be willing to prioritize our goals and make the best choices for the best possible outcomes. There are many habits that we can develop to help do this, and one of the most important ones is to make sure we write our plans down.
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Never Let Success Get To Your Head And Never Let Failure Get To Your Heart
Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart.
Never be scared to admit that you may have failed at certain aspects in life. Nobody is perfect, and no one wins everything, eventually we all lose in something. But remember, it is with hard work, and fearless determination that we are able to continually achieve success. You can never expect to make it past where you are now by stopping and giving up. You have to want success in your life, more than you want anything else.
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Think Of All The Beauty Still Left Around You And Be Happy
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.
Living life is being able to see the beauty in every situation, even the most ugly of situations. For in every death in life, there is always a new birth if we choose to see it. If we choose to look at life as ugly, stressful, and so forth, we will only see the evil that life has to offer. When we continue to look at the bad, the only things we will see in our lives are things that we will consider bad.
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Don't Let Hate Consume Your Heart
Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
There are many people in life who don't understand what good really is, and probably never will. This is caused by a plethora of ideals and beliefs, but the underlying factor usually seems to be that a person of this nature simply cannot figure out how to love people, including themselves. When we encounter people who live this way, we must know that the problem doesn't lie within our relationship with them; the problem lies in them not being able to love themselves.
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Whoever Is Trying To Bring You Down Is Already Below You
Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.
When people are miserable with their own lives, they usually try to bring others down. I have learned through a lot of my experiences in life that a lot of hate and criticism is derived from those who aren't content with their own lives. Those who lack the confidence and esteem to make the decisions that they need to make for themselves, are usually the same ones who will watch and criticize every decision you make.
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Have Faith and Believe In Yourself
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
If we refuse to believe in ourselves, we simply refuse to live a great life. Success in life is determined greatly by the amount of value we are willing to place in our own thoughts, and our everyday actions. Once you are able to believe that life is important, and that the decisions you make daily do very much matter, you will notice a considerable change from the life you once lived.
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You Can Only Lose What You Cling To
You can only lose what you cling to.
When we hold onto people and material things too tightly, we often find that we lose them. Without the correct balance in life many things fail easily. Often times when things fail they fail as a result of us doing entirely too much. When we try to control relationships by being manipulative or forceful in our ideals we often find we push the other person away so much that they remove their presence, sometimes in both the physical and mental nature.
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A Relationship Without Trust Is Like A Car Without Gas
A relationship without trust is like a car without gas, you can stay in it all you want, but it won't go anywhere.
One important part of learning about who we are as people is finding a significant other who truly completes us. Though not everyone believes that someone is out there for them that may fit perfectly into their life, but this belief is really necessary to make relationships work like they are supposed to.
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The Struggle You're In Today Is Developing The Strength You Need For Tomorr
The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. -Robert Tew
Though in life we struggle, we must not give our focus to the struggle, instead we should look at the benefits of the struggle. Living a blessed life doesn't mean that a person will live without any controversy or without anything to overcome. Living a blessed life is about being able to overcome the thought of everything that can be a distraction in your life by being able to see nothing but what you have been blessed with. Doing this requires a person to dig really deep, to even notice that they are blessed, but this is truly the only way to live.
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Never Give Up Everyone Has Bad Days, Pick Yourself Up And Keep Going
Never give up everyone has bad days. Pick yourself up and keep going.
Picking yourself up and carrying on is a very difficult task to accomplish, but it is a necessary one if we ever want to reach our potential. Life is full of its ups and its downs, and if you allow it to beat you down enough to the point of where you feel defeated enough to not get back up, it most certainly will.
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May 13
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