You Can Only Lose What You Cling To
When we hold onto people and material things too tightly, we often find that we lose them. Without the correct balance in life many things fail easily. Often times when things fail they fail as a result of us doing entirely too much. When we try to control relationships by being manipulative or forceful in our ideals we often find we push the other person away so much that they remove their presence, sometimes in both the physical and mental nature.

Instead of trying to force your relationship to grow by overdoing things, you have to be willing to believe in the person on the other end. It takes two people to maintain and build upon relationships because a relationship needs two for balance. This means both parties have to be willing to compromise at certain points in order to keep the trend of growth in a relationship on a steady upward trajectory.

A Relationship Without Trust Is Like A Car Without Gas
A relationship without trust is like a car without gas, you can stay in it all you want, but it won't go anywhere.
One important part of learning about who we are as people is finding a significant other who truly completes us. Though not everyone believes that someone is out there for them that may fit perfectly into their life, but this belief is really necessary to make relationships work like they are supposed to.
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When We Have Each Other We Have Everything
When we have each other we have everything.
As people we must come to a realization that if we ever want to make it to wherever we truly desire on going to fulfill our dreams that we must do so with the help of other people. Though it may feel easy to say that most of your success is attributed to you and your hard work, there are always people along the way that help inspire us, and though their roles may only seem minor, most times it is hard to see how much somebody really helped you until you get on top.
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Love Yourself First And Everything Else Falls Into Line
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.
Many of us often have the right to be mad when we are exposed to certain circumstances or situations in our lives. Though we do sometimes have the right to be mad, we certainly should not let the way that we feel at certain moments allow for us to be cruel to others, especially those who have nothing to do with the reason or reasons we are mad in the first place.
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Real Men Don't Love The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
Real men don't love the most beautiful girl in the world. They love the girl who can make their world the most beautiful.
When we truly love someone and commit ourselves to them and them to us, we must realize that the bond we share with this person could be and should be a love that will rest for the rest of your lifetimes. Real love rarely ever dies completely, so one must be careful on whom they embark on a journey of love with.
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Learn To Love With All Your Heart
Learn to love with all your heart and accept the faults of others in your life. Remember, anyone can love a rose but it takes a great heart to include the thorns.
When we are in a truly committed relationship that involves sharing our love with someone we must not be hesitant to give him or her all of our love as much as humanly possible. Life doesn't allow for us to go back and fix what we have done wrong in the past, but it does allow for us to live each day better than our last. In doing so we should aim to make our relationships better every day, even if we think that they are doing great, we can make them greater.
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Without Love Would You Really Want To Live?
Love makes life so confusing but without love, would you really want to live?
This quote is very true, as love does add a lot to our lives besides confusion, including stress, anger, pain, sorrow, and other things that cause turmoil. But then again love is really the only thing that allows us to live our lives to the fullest extent. Though there are many people who live without live, statistically speaking they are usually the ones who are most unhappy with their lives. Just as love has its negative side-effects it also has its overwhelmingly great ones.
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True Love Is Based On...
True love isn't only based on the things that two people go through together, but it is also based on how real and how hard two people work at loving each other.
True love isn't only based on the things that two people go through together, but it is also based on how real and how hard two people work at loving each other. Love is a difficult emotion for many to handle because though it is easy to fall in love with someone, it is very hard to maintain that love for the rest of a couples lifetime.
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Beautiful Quote on Moving Forward
There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world, because you realize there is so much more to the book than the page you were stuck on.
In different instances in our lives it is easy to stop pursuing a relationship that we know that if we put a tad bit more effort towards would blossom into a heavenly flower of infinite beauty, because of the walls that one or both parties is putting up. Sometimes people that have been hurt in the past or whom are afraid of giving someone a chance because they never want to be hurt, choose to put walls up in order to prevent this from happening.
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The Most Powerful Relationship You Will Ever Have
The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship with yourself. -Steve Maraboli
In order to make the best out of things we have to be willing to fight for our best life in each day. We must be willing to give ourselves the best chance at greatness possible, and this can only be done if our vices have a minimal effect on our lives. There will always be things in our life that need to be conquered, as no one is perfect, but we should never let these things conquer us because if they do, you will not be the best you can be.
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Don't Worry If You're Still Single
Don't worry if you're still single. God is looking at you right now saying, "I'm saving this girl for someone special."
Just because you are single doesn't mean that your life is over. In fact as a newly found single person in this world, you are at a great point in your life, to let your hair down, and have some fun! Without being in a committed relationship, you are without commitment to anyone but yourself.
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May 11
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