Your Setback Is The Platform For Your Comeback
Detach from the things that attempt to drag you down, because this is the only way you are truly going to be able to give yourself a shot at real success.

Everyone who has accomplished won victories in their lives has had to deal with the setbacks that life is filled with. We are all thrown various obstacles in our lives, and those who go on to make theirs great are those who realize that every setback poses a challenge. A challenge that when conquered will allow them to become a champion in their field.

Those who wish to remain normal beings, and do average things will live a linear life. While those who wish to be accomplished know that the graph of their life will show great ups and great downs.

Put effort into reaching high, even when you are at your lowest points. Move forward, grow on!


The Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time
The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
What do you love to do that challenges you? No I'm not asking you about what it is that you like to do that require you to be mindless like watching television. I'm asking what it is that makes you happy when you do it? What in your life do you not take seriously now that you enjoy doing so much that you dont realize how much time actually goes by when you are doing, and at the same time forces you to be active?
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Seize Every Day As An Adventure
Seize every day as an adventure and your spirit will soar when you discover the wonderful surprises life has to offer.
In keeping a positive attitude and mindset in our everyday lives we must face life with a tough resolve. Though in life there will always be our responsibilities, we must go through life on our journey to greatness and the achievement of our dreams, with our game face on. Face life as if you have nothing to lose, because in reality you dont. If your mindset is positive enough you will never suffer another defeat in your life, because you will be able confront life and everything that it challenges you with knowing that every bit of it is a learning experience, even your failures.
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Recognize The Opportunity In Every Difficulty
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Are you a pessimist or are you an optimist? Do you choose to see the difficulties in every opportunity that presents itself to you, or do you choose to see the opportunities in every difficulty that you encounter in life.
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Excuses Are Made Out Of Pure Laziness
Most of the time, excuses are made out of pure laziness. For people who are constantly making excuses...the negative energy it takes to do so could instead be used on getting things DONE! Great things come to those who work hard for it and that goes for everything in life. Opportunities will pass you by if you don't take advantage of them. Simple as that. So next time you hear someone whining about why they aren't where they want to be in life...ask them what they have done to get there.
Do you dare to excel? Do you not only dream but go after your dreams with a sword of ambition, and a shield of unrelenting hope? To make the best of this life we have to be willing to excel. We have to be willing to take ten steps when our opponents are only willing to take 5.
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Every Day Is a New Opportunity To Change
Welcome to today! Another day, another chance, feel free to change!
Change is essentially taking something that would otherwise remain the same and turning it into an dissimilar form. As humans we are naturally resistant to change, because with change arises new challenges. Many of us don't realize that they can make the choice to change small things in their lives daily that may amount to bigger changes for the better in their future. For example, if a person wanted to be a lawyer and did nothing with their time but worked a job at an amusement park, changing their lifestyle and looking for a low level job at a law firm, would more than likely yield a bigger return for their investment of hard work and time.
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May 13
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