Have Faith and Believe In Yourself
Have Faith and Believe In Yourself
A person without faith in themselves is like a candle without a flame, though it may have a physical presence, it is not really living up to its full potential because it is not providing any light to the world. Having faith in ones own self, is a quality that breeds more qualities.
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Be Joyful In Hope, Patient In Affliction And Faithful In Prayer
Be joyful in hope patient in affliction faithful in prayer.
One of the most powerful catalyst in anyones life is the hope that they have in life, and the belief that if they keep their hope at a high level, even in times that life is testing them, that they will be blessed enough to go places in life that they could have never foresaw. A lot of us dont have a clear vision of where we are going in life, but as long as there is some sort of vision, a lot of motivation in their heart, and a flame of hope inside of them selves that will never go out, chances are they will achieve great things, and will go very far in their lives.
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You Are What You Choose To Become
I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.
Living with the pain and fear of the past is not simple. We all have different sets of experiences and getting past emotional pain can be very difficult according to what we went through.
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Never Lose Hope And Never Stop Moving Forward
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
The only limitations you will have in life are the limitations that you agree to place upon yourself. The more that you work and the more effort that you apply, the greater the chance is that you are on the right track.
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Let Perseverance Be Your Engines And Hope Be Your Fuel
Let perseverance be your engine and hope your fuel.
We are always going to be tested in life. There are always going to be obstacles in the way of our plans that force us to challenge everything that we think is special about ourselves.
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Let Your Dreams Be Bigger Than Your Fears
Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings.
Everything that we do should be done with a sense of hope, faith, good will, and love. Though sometimes it may seem as though the only thing that we can do is succumb to defeat, we must keep our heads high, and keep marching forward to receive the victory that we surely deserve.
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Hold On, Pain Ends
HOPE - Hold on, Pain Ends
As we go through life, and we learn more from our experiences, it is impossible to avoid the lessons that pain will bring. The key to overcoming the pain in your life is to realize that though pain is something that is inevitably a part of life, we have the choice of whether we are going to wallow in it and suffer, or move on from it, and do our best to let it go.
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Keeping A Hopeful Attitude Is Key To Living A Fulfilled Life
When the world says "give up." hope whispers, try it one more time.
Those who see continually see success in their lives, are those who are always willing to show cheer, and are also those who are always willing to remain full of hope.
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Don't Lose Hope
Don't lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.
If there is one thing in life that you can never lose beside yourself, it is the hope for a better day, because their will always be one. Just as there are bad times; there will come good times as well. And even though things may seem uncertain in the moment, and even though fear may be trying to cloud your mind, fill your mind with hopeful thoughts, and remember to keep stepping out on faith as well.
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Once You Choose Hope, Anything's Possible
Once you choose hope, anythings possible.
Do you feel broken, unwanted, lonely, fearful, depressed, in pain, unhappy, full of despair? We all reach crossroads in our lives, and we can either allow for things to continue to worsen by thinking negatively, or we can be hopeful and positive and walk in the path of this hope and positivity to bring about positive change in our own lives. As the late Christopher Reeve said "Once you choose hope, anything's possible."
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