Never Stop Learning Because Life Never Stops Teaching
The exceptional skill of being teachable is often a skill that is heavily undervalued. When you are willing to put yourself in the role of a student, you are always going to give yourself room to grow, room to get better.

One who feels as if he or she knows it all already has already grown to their greatest potential. In life we must realize that no matter where we are in life, we could always be in a higher place, a place that is even closer to the destiny that God placed in our hearts from the time we were born.

Openly receive the lessons that are being taught to you in every moment, every day. The best moments in our lives and the worst moments always have valuable lessons to teach us if we are willing to be humble enough to see them.

Good Judgement Comes From Experience
Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgment.
Experience isn't always the kindest teacher but it is one of those teachers who's lessons will stick with you. When you learn through experience, you are given the test before you even know what the lesson is.
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People Hate The Truth, But Luckily The Truth Doesn't Care
People hate the truth, but luckily the truth doesn't care.
People will always hate the truth, and this is often because the truth doesn't always care what your beliefs may have been before you found it. When we are forced to challenge our beliefs and everything that we are made of, we often develop a quick sense of hate for what we are being challenged by.
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Duty Makes Us Do Things Well, But Love Makes Us Do Them Beautifully
Duty makes us do things well, but love makes us do them beautifully.
Doing what you love has now become the cliche of all cliches, but its infinite truth prevails. Being free and being of a clear mind is dependent upon how you are able to spend your time each day. Sure not everyone can just quit their job and do exactly what they want to do in this exact moment, but there are ways to go about doing this if a person is truly willing to look.
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Be Wise, Keep Quiet
A smart person knows what to say, a wise person knows whether or not to say it.
One of the best things to do in a senseless argument is to not let your adversary have someone to quarrel with.
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A Clever Person Solves A Problem, A Wise Person Avoids It
A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it. A stupid person makes it.
Wisdom is being able to look at a situation and know that it isnt a good situation for you to be in. Where a person with intelligence may know how to fix a problem, a person with wisdom will know how to avoid it altogether.
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Learn From The Experience Of Others
Sometimes the most valuable lessons come from people who didn't intend to give them.
One of the best ways to learn is through the experience of others. Though this type of learning usually isnt as thorough as learning from our own experiences, the lessons we can learn from others are still able to provide us with a lot of wisdom.
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Where Ignorance Is Our Master, There Is No Possibility Of Real Peace
Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace.
Living life fully means that we are dedicated to the lifelong process of learning. Everyday is a good day to learn something new, no matter your age, and no matter your previous education. Real peace comes from wisdom and understanding and nothing else. Meaning, if we want to see real peace in this world, we must be committed to learn about each other and everything around us that helps to make us who we are.
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If You Want to Be Interesting, Be Interested
If you want to be interesting, be interested.
For people to want to take the time to get to know you, you must be willing to do the same. Showing interest in the lives of others shows people that you care. With this many people are attracted to getting to know you because you were willing to take the steps to get know them first.
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Listen and You Might Learn Something New
When you talk you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.
The only way to truly listen is with your mouth closed. Those who seek a life full of wisdom know that the powers from wisdom are provided by the willingness to listen, and not disrupt the learning process with a reply or rebuttal to everything that is presented before them.
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Certain Things Have To Be Learned The Hard Way
There are certain things that have to be learned the hard way. Painful experiences will turn into wisdom.
Failing is a part of life that is often underestimated as a teaching tool. Too often people take situations and experiences that cause them pain and grief and use those circumstances as excuses to not pursue the life that they truly want to live. The reality of the worst parts of life is that they should really be our motivation to make the rest of our lives better.
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May 06
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