Remember This Before You Criticize Someone
It is very easy to criticize and demean what you don't understand. The more difficult thing to do would be for one to try to figure out how to best help people.

Every one is a result of their experiences. The choices that they have made in the past, the unanticipated variables that we all encounter, and the choices we make in the present on the daily show us who we really are.

So when you see that person that seems to be struggling in life make it a point not to beat up on them. Make it a point to help where you know that you can. Even if that means just giving them a minute long conversation and showing them that there are still people who care. It's the small gestures of love and compassion from each other that the world needs almost more than anything right now.

Every Minute You Remain Angry, You Give Up 60 Seconds Of Happiness
For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of happiness.
When we choose to hold on to anger we often find ourselves losing way more than we win as life proceeds. This is because holding on to anger is essentially weighing us down and preventing us from seeing life as it really is.
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The Biggest Risk Is Not Taking Any Risk
The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. -Mark Zuckerberg
One of the most essential lessons a person should really learn to live each day is the importance of taking risks. For in great risk, there is often great reward to follow.
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Don't Worry About Things That You Have No Control Over
It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized. -Wayne Dyer
One of the biggest tools to fight against worry and preparation in a person's everyday life is to prepare for life as much as possible. Those who are willing to put in that extra study time, and learn from books are the ones who will have a leg up in life.
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Anyone Can Start Today And Make A New Ending
Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
There is nothing that you can do in your life to prevent life from happening when it wants to. There are many times in which you feel you have had the utmost control, things may be going as smooth as you could ever imagine, and in an instant, life as you know it may change. This is why it is important to focus on the finer things in life, and by the finer things in life I do not mean materials.
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Time Waits For No One
Time waits for no one. Don't let others subtract your time with drama, or their ignorance. Let your time be fulfilled on what makes you happy!
Remember that in each day we spend our time the way we choose to, and more often than not our choices are made based upon the habits we have developed over the years. In many senses, time is probably the most valuable resource or tool that we have in our lives, and we have to be in love with life to really see and to really know its true value.
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Excellence In Anything Increases Your Potential In Everything
Excellence in anything increases your potential in everything. Nothing with value comes without a price.
To increase your potential in life you have to be willing to learn how to excel in life. Nothing with value comes without a price, and the value in winning is provided by the amount of strength and determination we were able to provide while securing our victory.
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Don't Pretend To Be Someone You're Not
Don't pretend to be someone you're not. It is better to suffer being who you are than it is to suffer trying to be someone you're not.
When we forget who we are and what we are we also forget where we are going. The times that we are most gracious are the times in which we are provided a mercy that we may have never seen coming. The times in which we are most angry may provide us with a different set of circumstances, causing negative energy and ideologies to somewhat circle our lives.
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Trust Takes Years To Build, Seconds To Break And Forever To Repair
Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair.
A lot of times we prevent ourselves from opening up new doors to new relationships and potential friends because of a lack of trust in people, and because we fear that people may treat us like others in the past who have caused us significant damage.
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Don't Lose Yourself Holding On To Someone Who Doesn't Care About Losing You
Don't lose yourself in attempt to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you.
Everybody wants to be wanted, and discovering that sometimes we have to let go is very discouraging and heart breaking. As hard as it may be, letting go is at many times what we need to grow. Just as many flowers wont blossom the way that they are supposed to without the proper pruning and care so are our lives. Without the proper release of people who are weighing down our lives, many times our lives wont grow like they are supposed to.
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To Be Beautiful Means To Be Yourself
To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.
If you go through life seeking to please everyone but yourself, you will never be pleased with your life. There are so many afflicted with such good hearts in this world that they refuse to see what their life could really be because of the fear of losing someone's favor.
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Apr 26
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