The Perfect Relationship
No relationship between any two people is exactly the same except in one way, each relationship we have is imperfect in some way. When relationships last for long periods of time, it is not because the pieces two people bring together fit exactly together, but rather the pieces aren't the same so that they may be easily fused together.

So don't be too close minded as to only look for a perfect Mr. or Mrs. Right when you are seeking someone to love. Look for a person that you think would compliment you the most, meanwhile you do the same for them. Look for someone who is willing to love you for who you are with your flaws and all, and someone that you know in your heart that you could love despite what flaws they may have as well. Reach for love with only one expectation, finding it.

Picking Up On Others Emotions
There's always, a little truth behind every "I don't know"... A little curiosity behind every "I was just wondering"... A little emotion behind every "I don't care"... A little pain behind every "it's okay"... A little love behind every "I hate you"... A little I need you behind every "leave me alone".
In life something that we must all pick up on are the indirect cues that are presented to us throughout different scenarios in our lives. Not everything that we see with our own two eyes, may tell us all that we need to know, or think that we may know about a subject.
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Liking Someone Doesn't Mean You Have To Be Lovers
Liking someone doesn't mean you have to be lovers, sometimes you just have to be friends.
There is no correct way to fall in love, but some view the safest way to do so is best signified by starting a relationship off as friends, instead of being in a frantic race to love. Being friends first before being a person's lover allows for both parties to get acquainted and knowledgeable about each other. It also allows for the building of a strong foundation for any potential love relationship, or any other type of relationship that may result from an early friendship.
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When You Really Matter To Someone
When you really matter to someone that person will always make time for you. No excuses, no lies, and no broken promises.
Really being an important part in a person's life means a lot of things. When someone really matters to you it is crucial that you are willing to show them just how much they may mean to you by respecting them, honoring them, and never taking them, their time, or their feelings for granted. When you really matter to someone, that person will always be willing to make time for you. That person will never use an excuse to avoid being there for you.
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Feelings Change, Memories Don't
Feelings change, memories don't.
In order to truly let go of a person or a relationship that ended abruptly and unexpectedly in life, we have to realize at some point that feelings change, and memories don't. Over time, usually the separation of two people causes feelings to change between these two, though the two may share very pleasant memories for years, memories by themselves simply aren't enough to keep two souls bound together. In order to keep the flame of a relationship lit, a couple has to be willing to keep lighting the candle.
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Spend Your Life With Who Makes You Happy
Spend your life with who makes you happy. Not who you have to impress.
Spending our lives hoping to impress someone is spending a life in vain. Though making someone else happy in life is important, the only way that we can really do so is by being ourselves and making ourselves happy during the process as well. There is an unavoidable truth in life that we all must learn that says in order for a person to truly love us they must truly know us for who we are and not for someone else we may be trying to be.
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Wasting Time Thinking About Someone
Sometimes we waste too much time to think about someone that doesn't think about us for a second.
Wasting one's time is one of the biggest wrongs that can be committed against one's self. Time is our most valuable resource because it is something that once past, can never be acquired again. In order to make the best use of our time it is crucial that we use it doing the things within our heart that we love, with the people we love and who love us in return.
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Signs Of True Love
Someone who really loves you, sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you in their life.
When someone really loves you, they will accept you for who you are with your flaws and all, and will still want you in their life. This is not to say that they won't push you to be a better person, and to think bigger, and dream bigger than you already do, but they will never disrespect you or want to change the person that you are at heart as well.
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You Can't Please Everyone
Stop wasting your time on people who don't love you.
For some, especially for those whose interest relies heavily on pleasing everyone around them, wasting time on people who don't love them in an effort to try to convince those people to love them is a major part of their lives. If you are one of these people, it is time for you to make a change today. Life is way too short to waste time trying to convince someone that you are worthy to be loved.
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Fighting In Relationships
You can't have a relationship without any fights, but you can make your relationship worth the fight.
No matter what the movies, and the fairy tale stories we hear about love say, there isn't always a happily ever after, and VERY rarely do relationships carry forward without any tests or fights along the way. The simple option for most couples enduring hardships between both participants is to either let an argument break them, or let the argument make them a more secure couple that grows from disagreements and turmoil.
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Someone Taking Your Love For Granted
Dear friend, you are not a boomerang; therefore once he throws you away you shouldn't come back. Don't take a u-turn. You are a Frisbee. Once he/she throws you away, you stay and wait for someone special to pick you up. Stay on the one-way road. Love, someone who cares.
When someone is willing to throw your love away without a care in the world, and then promptly tries to assume the relationship that they had with you like nothing ever happened, something is wrong, and chances are it would be a bad idea in accepting them as a relationship partner again. As this passage states, no one should be treated as a boomerang that can be tossed away and accepted back into someone's hands when they feel as though they are ready.
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