Finding Out Where Your Heart Is
In order for us to truly know where our heart is, we need to sometimes look to what we often think about in our daydreams, and what we dream about at night. Sometimes in order for us to find our passion we must look into the thing that our mind always has us thinking about. If you notice that your mind wanders about one specific thing constantly it may be because at your hearts level you know that this thing is something you should be putting your heart into.

Try letting go of whatever is holding you back from pursuing whatever this is and try giving it your all. Don't go at it half-heartedly and give it a weak attempt expecting to fail. Put your whole heart into it, and give it your all, expecting the best result, and if failure is the end result, you can be satisfied in knowing that you tried your best at something that you just went out on a limb on, this is a feat that half of mankind doesnt have the courage to even attempt to do.


Don't Allow Others To Control The Direction Of Your Life
When you are writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen.
Take a look at your life today and ask yourself, who is holding the pen to the life story that you are creating on a daily basis. Is it your friends, your husband or wife, your kids, your parents? It is important to ask yourself this because the person that should be writing your life story is you. In ten years you don't want to regret not taking life by the horns, and just sitting on the sidelines because of your circumstances.
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The Power Of A Simple Hug
One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug the person you love, and they hug you tighter.
Many of us don't realize the power of a single hug. A simple hug can say a lot to a person when the use of words just won't suffice. A hug can relay the message that you love someone, that you are there for them in times of great need, and that you will always be there for them in times of great need.
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Stop Over Thinking, Stop Worrying, Stop Complaining
Stop over thinking, stop worrying, stop complaining. Life is too short for all of that.
One muscle that we have to learn how to develop to achieve success is the muscle in our psyche that we use to make decisions. Just as we workout to develop the muscles we want and the body shape we desire, exercising the muscles of our brain will give our personal lives the look that we want if we learn how to develop them correctly.
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You're Only A Failure If You Commit To Being One
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.
So many of us run into great adversity in our lives, and refuse to look past the fact that we are only failures if we commit to being one. There is a decision to make in life in almost every moment except when we die.
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Do What You Love And You'll Never Work A Day In Your Life
Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.
Are you doing what you really love to do? So many of us get caught up in trying to live our lives in attempts to avoid going through pain, that we limit ourselves so much that we eventually cause ourselves more pain than we tried to avoid.
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Beauty Begins The Moment You Decide To Be Yourself
Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself. -Coco Chanel
Are you living your life to its fullest potential by completely and utterly being yourself in every way? Some of us get so caught up in the world that we desire for ourselves, that we choose to do it by selling ourselves out, instead of reaching for real happiness, love and fulfillment by being ourselves.
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Take Control Of Your Life
Take control of your life. Your happiness is in your hands.
Losing your way? We all do, so don't feel convicted or condemned. One simple fact about life is that it is very hard at times. Sometimes we get in situations so undesirable to us, that we feel that we don't even get who we are as a person anymore, and what we really want out of life.
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Don't Believe Everything You Hear And Only Half Of What You See
Don't believe everything you hear and only half of what you see.
In this day and age it is sometimes easy for most of us to be gullible and to believe a story or someone's description of an event or happening because it may be presented to us professionally enough to be believable. It is a hard pill to swallow but just because something is in print does not make it necessarily true. We must make use of our own minds, and other resources such as books, journals, articles, acquire as much knowledge as possible, and from then develop our own opinions about certain subjects.
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Never Stop Learning Because Life Never Stops Teaching
Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.
It is very imperative that we listen to all of the teachings we are given growing up so that we can be able to be the teacher when we grow up. Though we aren't taught in many instances to want to become our own bosses, we have to realize that in trying to become the best we can possibly become, we have to be willing to make the moves that more than likely will put us in higher places.
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To Change Our Lives We Must First Change Our Minds
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
Albert Einstein is one of the greatest minds to emerge in the past few hundred years, and he definitely made a huge impact on the way that people think, and ultimately the way that people act. Einstein was right about a lot of things, but was wrong about a lot of things as well, and was a great mind in the sense that he convinced many to change their thinking if their thinking was failing them.
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