Labor Quotes & Sayings

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Labor is the US spelling of the word “labour”. The word has different interpretations. Labour means a group of workers or in more general terms, a workforce. Labour means to work hard with great dedication and hardcore efforts. People who put in lots of effort and labour in their work are laborious people. There is no substitute for hard work and labour. Labour Party is a left-wing political part formed to represent the ordinary working people. The Labour Party is not a debating club, but it is a party of action. David Ricardo had once remarked, “A rise of wages from this cause will, indeed, be invariably accompanied by a rise in the price of commodities; but in such cases, it will be found that labour and all commodities have not varied in regard to each other, and that the variation has been confined to money.” Another interpretation of the word “labour” also exists. Labour also refers to the process of childbirth.



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