Robert E Lee

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I'm Only Human: I've been in love, and I've been heartbroken. I have felt so amazingly happy, I felt like dancing, and so extremely sad, I felt as if I couldn't live another day. I'm only human. I have been stressed. I have been depressed. I have been all alone. I have been joyful. I have been blessed, and I have been grateful. I've gone through the trials, the pain, and suffering of life. I have had ups and downs in my relationships. I've been called ugly, and beautiful. I'm only human. There have been those days When Ive felt my heart couldnt take the pain any more, and all I wanted to do was wake up from this horrible dream I felt I was living in. There have also been days, when my heart overflowed with so much love, it truly took away my breath. Im only human. Ive been used, abused, and taken for granted. My life is anything but picture perfect. Im not the smartest. Im not the prettiest. I have been hurt by the ones Ive loved, and rejected by the people I called my friends. I have felt cherished, special, 1 in a million. I am only human. Ive taken what life has thrown my way, and made it through. Only by the grace of God, have I made it without being defeated. Sometimes, behind the smiling face of those dear to you, is a broken, hurting, wounded, abandoned, and lonely person. Take the time to ask, show you care. Maybe one day, when you are feeling as if you cant take another step, someone will look you straight in the eyes, see right through to your soul, and say: No. Your not okay. How can I be there for you? After all¦We are only Human.

A Rachel Original:)

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The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. WredeBook I. Dealing with DragonsBook II. Searching for DragonsBook III. Calling on DragonsBook IV. Talking to DragonsCimorene is not your oanidrry princess. She hates embroidery, etiquette and dancing lessons. She'd rather learn magic and how to run a kingdom. Rather than being forced to marry a vapid prince, Cimorene runs away to work for a dragon.Lots of dragons have princesses sometimes kings and queens arrange for a dragon to kidnap their daughter so that a brave prince will rescue and marry her. Cimorene isn't into that, she works for the dragon Kazul and when princes try to rescue her she sends them away. Quickly Cimorene becomes indispensable to the dragons, thwarting an evil plot by wizards along with a fantastic cast of characters: Morwen, a not-your-oanidrry-witch; a prince turned to stone; Alienora, a less-silly-than-usual-princess, not to mention a host of dragons. In the later books, Cimorene assists the now-King Kazul ( King is the title of the job whether held by a male or female dragon), collaborates with the newly throned King Mendanbar of the Enchanted Forest, a fire-wizard, a giant rabbit named Killer enchanted as a floating, winged, blue donkey, in a never-ending battle with the wizards. In the last book, Cimorene's son Daystar, not realizing his heritage, enters a quest to rescue King Mendanbar from a spell.These books are among my life-long favorites. While listed as Young Adult, younger readers will also find much to enjoy in the witty writing, exciting plots, and strong, unorthodox characters.


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